Auf mein Gent's fährte...

  • Skjelt der Huskarl habe ich gehöhrt...
    bist zimmlich berühmt in Caledonia habe ich auch so gehöhrt :)
    Der eine Helfte von den Axe und Schash Brüdern... :D :)
    Wikommen in die Scribonia..

  • Zitat

    Original von Luculus Scribonius Skjeld
    :no: Have to wait...Traveling Rulles...until atleast 00.00H :blitz:
    Lets start by only Breaking Minor Rules :D

    Oh, I'm so sorry...what a pity, but at least you can test you patiance. :D

    Breaking minor rules??? Hmm...p r e t t y g o o d i d e a :D Any purposes? ^^ :D

  • Ok, think about that and I'm gonna try to help you. :D

    By the way, you have to be a Roman citizen already right? Then if you chose to live in Tarraco, then you are over there now...or some other situation is going on here and I don't know about that??? :hmm:

    :idee: :) If you are in Provincia Italia and in Rome, then you can go to our Casa Scribonia, we got one over there as well. :) ...but I think you have to be in Tarraco, anyway. :)

  • Have to be in Tarraco Yes since I will yoin the Local Paddel Socaity called Clasis :D Just a Joke... :)
    Lets See a CV Curse is on First of Course to get the Voting Right and a Full Citisanship.
    Then a Iuris Curse...a or an Combined with a Military Curse :)
    That's the trajeckt I have in Minde...and There is a Beautiful Lady There in Youre Gens..a Peregrina Sorror Kassandra..ah...... ;)

  • *lol* *lol* *lol* :D

    Already thinking about Kassandra. Ai, ai, ai :D
    Oh, yes, in this IR you definitely can find lot's of things to do...I mean there is always something with what you can be busy. ;)

    Then if you are in Tarraco, I guess you can already post, actually I wanted to say SPAM :D ...Or, what's the problem???

  • No problem Ma'am I just have to wait until the Travel Time elapses before I am alowed to Post in Hispania.
    Yes She is a darling isn't She...and like many Woman of My Folk She has the Sight to...
    Uses I Scree Bowl I saw Like Our People to ,to See in the Future or to Locate People far away.
    :DSPAM???? neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever Heard of .... Only Spam in the Cane... :D
    Like Cornet Beef.. :)

  • Ma'am?!, no, no just "young lady" :D ;)

    Don't worry, I'm sure you'll accustom to the terminology we....ahm, I use over here. ;) But in Casa and other SimOn places I'm just an angel with the wings. :D I obey my father and love evryone very much. :D ^^

    Kassandra, well yes she's very nice, like each and every person living in Casa's a place for the best and wonderful people. :D

  • Well, well, dearest sister, I see you have lot's of fun over here. That's great. :) But let me welcome our new family member first. So, dear Luculus...I'm gonna call you Luculus, I would prefere so. ;) I hope you have nothing against :) ....ahm, dear Luculus, welcome to the Roman Empire and to our spelndid Scribonia family. :)Actually now I live in Rome, I have some stuff to do overe there, but belive me, soon I'm gonna visit you in Tarraco as well. ;)
    Have fun. ;)


    Original von Scribonia Helena
    Don't worry, I'm sure you'll accustom to the terminology we....ahm, I use over here. ;)

    Well, with termiology I think he still have chances to accustom, but how he's going to accustom to you??? Well, that's the question, yes! :D

  • Zitat

    Original von Scribonia Cerelia
    Well, well, dearest sister, I see you have lot's of fun over here. That's great. :) But let me welcome our new family member first. So, dear Luculus...I'm gonna call you Luculus, I would prefere so. ;) I hope you have nothing against :) ....ahm, dear Luculus, welcome to the Roman Empire and to our spelndid Scribonia family. :)Actually now I live in Rome, I have some stuff to do overe there, but belive me, soon I'm gonna visit you in Tarraco as well. ;)
    Have fun. ;)

    Well, with termiology I think he still have chances to accustom, but how he's going to accustom to you??? Well, that's the question, yes! :D

    Am...Ma'am Ce.. You Speak P Celtic as so to Speak...I can understand That Have been in a Few Bricks in Britannia ...
    But I am a Pict Ma'am My Language dirives from Q Celtic I however prefere to Say Gaelic...

    But We have Enough common Ground to understand Each Other :)

  • Aha...kaum bin ich eine Stunde weg, da versammelt sich hier die halbe Gens Scribonia :)?

    Hast du dich schon entschlossen, Skjeld, wie du mit mir verwandt sein möchtest ;)?


    amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

  • Yes, Luculus, that young lady is my now you will be my...I mean our cousen, right? ;) Oh, that's perfect.

    So, that young lady Cerelia had to to sleep, she did'll continue your conversation tomorrow. ;)


    Original von Gaius Scribonius Curio
    Aha...kaum bin ich eine Stunde weg, da versammelt sich hier die halbe Gens Scribonia :) ?

    Well father me and Your younger daughter came just to say hello to our new relative. He is quite nice.
    If You don't like, well, it's a pity, but I actually always have an alternative, I can go to sleep. :D ;)

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