Well, we should change and correct some stuff here...
Mea voluntas est Prima Pars..
Scribonia Hestia will be My Sucsessor as SOROR SUPERIOR AT SOCITAS AESCULAPUS with Full Rights
Scribonia Hestia, Kaleandra heres est!
May Scribonia Hestia be as well my sucessor as SOROR SUPERIOR AT SOCITAS AESCULAPUS with ful rights!
Mea voluntas est Pars.Secunda
My Body Should be Burned in full regalia the 8Th Day after My Death.
Burial of My Urn should be done at the Aedicula South Wall.
My Snakes When They Die should be Burried at My Side When There Time comes.
Mea voluntas est, pars secunda:
My body should be burned in full regalia, on the 8th day after my death! My urn should be done at the AEdicula South Wall! My snakes, when they die, should be burried at my side!
Mea voluntas est Pars Tertia
It is My hope that YOU ALL will recognice Kassandra as what She is....My Great- Grand Daughter and THUS a Full Scribonian of my Blood.
Kaleandra can't have such kind of wish, at least written in her will, because, she is not PATER FAMILIAS. Only Pater Familias can accept or refuse someone from his family.
Scribonia Hestia, Kaleandra heres est!
All My Juwellery except the Ring of the Socitas will go equaly shared to Helena and Cerelia.
May all my jewellery, exept the RING of the SOCITAS will equally be shared between Scribonia Helena and Scribonia cerelia!
My Cloath Me be given to the Poor...except the Socitas Cloathing
May my cloath, exept the CLOATH of SOCITAS be given to the poor!
My Herbs and Medicine Bag Me be given to Duccia Gratiana
May all herbs and medicine bag be given to Duccia Gratiana!
So thiese are things we should correct to receive the Will written in the right way.