Beiträge von Flavia Ambrosiana Nebatea

    To the people of the Gents Scribonia

    LETTER of invitation.
    To the Musicnight 21/22 honoure of the Gods and the turn of the Sun(midsummernight)
    All members of the Gents are welcome.…ad.php?threadid=1754&sid=
    We hope You will all come to Celebrate with Us.
    ---Youre brave Nice Plancinia is alright She will preforme fullely since Her wound was only slight.
    You are blessed with aChild that dared to stand between two man who where ready to kill each other, She diservece all Our admiration and proudness to know Her.


    People of the Decima Gens.
    Letter of Invitation to All the members of the Gens.

    Pleace Come and join Us in the Music Night of the Suns turn 21/22 next.
    We hope You all will come and enjoy with Us.…ad.php?threadid=1754&sid=

    Afterwarth the Day of the 23th the Funural of Aelius Ambrosianus Pladius while be Celebrated.
    Acording to His wish He will be Cremated and his ashes placed in the Shrine of the Casa.

    "I thank You for Youre graciouce Hospitalety both of You and can't say how sorry I am that the parting must come so soon...
    I add My welcome to that of My daughter thus I hope to see You soon ,and the Gods give it, a better time."
    I embrached Livia and bowed to Meridius..
    "I would like to make one of You a God-parent as soon as the Baby is born :)that is if You like of course.."
    I greeted once more and followed the Girl to the Harbour, as Choldern are They forgot the Ponny's so I took them from the stable and comfortly dangled down the hill to the harbour.

    I had awoken early but the guests Where still there..
    I saw the Childern comming up the road Vipsania seemed white like Marmor and clutched to a Scroll Plancinia seemed to have trouble keeping her on her feet and instandly I knew that a new dissster had stricken Oure beliegerd Gens...
    "Pladius..."I whispered nowing as Woman do when a disaster strucks.
    I stood There and Vipsania held My hand,
    "Be strong for Me strong dond't give These foule players the satisfaction of seeing us distroyed and on the floor of hope and dispair....Be strong! be strong for Me!"
    The world seemed to colapse for an istand and I heard His voice as He sayed goodbay The Day We parted...." and in all times to come...."
    I had to hold Myself but managed so just by..
    Then I took the scroll and read it, nowing in My heard There was now doubt to the written facts.
    "Come let us go to the Pertisylium so as not to upset the guests for This here schould be a marry place..."

    The door was open and the vestibilum empty so I took Vipsania By Here hand and lead Her in She knew the way and had brouht U safly to the Decima Casa.
    Stil dressed in Oure travel cloathings we entered the Atrium where the peole where having a feast, the Promotion of the Tribune Meridius Decimus.
    Some of the guests looked at Us surpraised to see people in dark travel coats over white cloadth.
    " I do not speak the language well would You do the talking?"


    Publius Tiberius Lucidus dixit:
    Wobei genau benötigst du Hilfe? Wie es in der Aussprache klingt? (das ist etwas schwer zu vermitteln ;) )

    Josephus (Andre) sagt Ö=Österreich klingt wie EU in Eupen-Malmedy
    und Ü =Übung klingt wie (engl)Muir (ned)Muur
    und Ä =Äppfel klingt wie Ecke oder (engl)Well.
    Phoe, nicht einfag, 8o jetst komt dan wenn schreib ich Ö stat O
    und Ü stat U oder Ä stat A?
    Oe wie in (ned)Hoek und (eng)Hook
    Ue wie U und E meltet
    Ae wie E in Elvis?
    Aha seh da conections ..
    Danke de Herrn PubliusTiberius Lucidus und Traianus Germanicus Sedulus fur (das is dan für?)ihre hilfe. :)
    :verbeug: **humor**

    Wie schon is dieser stad ich war in das theater da spielden sie ein comedy comeudie??**help**
    Habe nikt grad alles verstanden aber fiel schon ,Aelius hat mich strafend angesehen da ich viel auf die Roman man gekukt habe :D :D
    was kan ich da fur?? :]
    die kuken auch mich eh? doch? :] :D

    Ave Imperatore

    I thank You for the citiesanship.
    I am a real Roman now?
    Ah Yes I will settle in Italy in Aelius's hause
    Civil career as far as a simpel hauswife can be called that way.
    However there is the Gens question??
    Is the Aureliani Gens now recognaised as such ?,or should it be renamed in to Ambrosianii to avert mis-understandings with the Aurelia Gens?
    I understoot that there where some talking going on there?

    Ohh..Mistake stupid me...**bonk-bonk on the head**
    I didn't ment a Real life face picture ..since things like that are not done in RPG's...
    I ment a face Avator like mine were features are visable ...
    On this avator one sees a lot of helmet but no face ...unlike mine...
    In R.L Iam not black but half Indian (India) and half Chinese...
    I was born on Celebes isle wich you will know as Balikpapan in Indonesia.
    Aeiella tams also from Indonesia ,the isle of Sumatra.
    Indeed we look somewat hair amandel eyes smal face and nose somewat pointisch chin, do younger I do have some grey hair on the left headside.
    Aeiella is 44 and I 21...I know Aeiella's son from my studies and sideway's through Josephus my Lector.
    There is no harm I think in telling a little bit about one self don't You think?..
    A You are it half right ...


    Secundus Claudius Felix dixit:

    It's not of much use to me anymore, since I command the Roman fleet from the safety of the port of Tarraco. But I like the picture :). It was taken in the time when I still was a young 'Nauarchus'...

    Hmm..Praefectus superior Classis Romana Admiral than you have come a long way...
    Nauarchus is a schipscaptain ....yep..quait a career.
    (voure sig has gone fore some reason did you know that?)
    I wonder what youre face looks like?...
    I sence something Romanic in you ..either Frensh or Italic I would say.


    Secundus Claudius Felix dixit:
    This ain't English, my deer!

    (Please mind the intentional mistake in this sentence...)

    I am a deer in more than one way....**hihi**
    Hert(Deer) is my nickname... :)I run faster than most off the guys...
    "The dazlingly beautifull deer deludes her hunters and ran to safty2 thats me... :D
    And who are you?...nice helmet :)


    Publius Tiberius Lucidus dixit:
    Aus welchem Grund wurde denn dieser Thread geschlossen? Versehen?

    Ich öffne ihn vorerst wieder, möge sich bitte der Schließer (ich hoffe ich wars nicht selbst aus Übermüdung oder sonstiger geistiger Umnachtung *hust*) bei mir melden.

    Danke fur die neu opening ,hette schon gegen die schliesung protstiert.
    Nur bei den embar. :rolleyes: :D