Romans in Mauritius

  • Sounds as a Joke but it is True .
    Roman Ships indeed came as far Down as My Home Isle
    Like in the South of India and Sri Lanka Coins Where found Here.

    Roman Traders have sayed to come as Far as Sumatra to the East and Madagaskar to the South.
    Indeed Pot scharts and pieces of Amphora's have been found but a Real evidence Like a Roman Villa or other Building Has yet not been located.
    There are however 3 Wrecks of Ships That could be Roman or Greec Archeology is not a big Thing Here I am sorry to Say .

    Zanzibar Isle was Known as Menouthias and Our Isle could have been part of the Pyralaae Isles.
    I will see if I can find more on This :)

  • I believe many people here know that, since there is a second micronation connected to the IR, called Tylus, that simulates a very well known people who traded with India and China at Roman times ;)


    Ich glaube, das wissen viele hier schon, weil es hier eine zweite Micronation gibt, welche mit dem IR verbunden ist, genannt Tylus, welche ein bekanntes Volk simuliert, das mit Indien und China Handel getrieben hat in römischer Zeit.

    ir-senator.png annaea2.png



  • Also soooooo abwegig wäre das ganse nicht es gab ja auch Handel zwischen Ost Afrika und India.
    Tylus past hier hinein wie ein Handschuh...
    z.b Socotra Isl Östlich von Aden wäre ein ideales Springbrett. :)
    :D Befor die Taanachym es sich unter die Nägel ziehen

    Well its not Soooooooo Imposible ,There was Trade between Eastern Africa and India Mainland .
    And Tylus Fitts verry well into This.
    ex. Socotra Isl East of Aden (Yemen) would be an Ideal Bridgehead towards India.
    :D Colonize it before the Taanachym get Wind of it and Grabbe it

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