• Welcome to the IR, Helena!

    In order to establish your citizenship we need some more information. As a woman you can theoretically choose between a civil and religious career in the empire. For the former you need to specify your favourite province, for the latter... well that's why I put "theoretically" in there. I don't know if it's actually possible to join the cult of Vesta, the only (but well respected!) place for women in roman religion. But I think our Emperor can help there ;)

    And there is another crucial question: Do you understand German?


  • Salve Scribonia

    I'm very happy that I have my daughter back. First you can decide in which provincia you want to live. There is "Italia", "Hispania" and last but not least "Germania".
    We have to see, if you can join the Vesta-Religion. Because maybe I need you to marry in order to get better political relations ;).


    amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

  • Zitat

    Scribonia Helena dixit:
    Hello! Let me introduce myself. I'm Scribonia Helena, daughter of Gaius Scribonius Curio and I would like to participate in IR.
    I hope, that we'll have fun together. ;)

    If You don't speak any German than there is a good place for you in the new to form Province of Britannia....
    There most will post in English or duallanguage those who cant will be helpt by the "Translation buro" as an ancient times people went to a scribber to writte letters for them or read those wich one got.. :P
    The first Britannian Gens under const. is the Aureliani (talk to Aelius Aureliani about it )
    Wenn sie kein Deutsch sprechen/schreiben können dan gibt es für euch ein platz in den neu zu formen Provinz Britannia.
    Dort wirt meistens in English gepostet oder in doppeltsprache, die die kein Deutsch kennen oder english können sich berufen auf das Übersätsungs buro so wie fruher die menschen die nicht schreiben oder lesen könten ein schreiber benutzten.
    Der erste Britannischer Gens in aufrichtüng ist die der Aureliani (frage Aelius Aureliani )

  • Zitat

    Scribonia Helena dixit:
    Hello! Let me introduce myself. I'm Scribonia Helena, daughter of Gaius Scribonius Curio and I would like to participate in IR.
    I hope, that we'll have fun together. ;)

    Hello there. :)

    Welcome in Imperium Romanum, Scribonia Helena. :)

    I see, your primary language is English. Oh, that's OK, absolutely. :)
    But our most spoken language here is german, but we are in a discussion about it and the problem could be solved soon. :)

    The Cult of Vesta is open for female members. But this is only possible in Provincia Italia, and our Solution for the problem of speaking english here might restrict it only for Provincia Britannia.

    But, nothing is fixed jet. :)

    Secundus and Tiberius, this is a new facet of the problem. ;)

  • Yes it's true. Unfortunantly I don't speak german, maybe I'm a bad daughter that I don't know the native language of my father.... :P But still I hope, that somehow we'll understand each other. You don't think so? ;)
    Now about me and my choice. I think I'll choose civil career, because as you can see my father, already has some plans about me, and I have no right to bar my dady from realizing them ;)
    My favorite province....well I don't know yet, but I'm thinking about it.
    And I also have language problem, as I've mentioned I don't know german. Hopefully you'll help me and we'll find the right solution. :)

  • Greetings from your uncle. I hope I can help you as much as I can beacuse the family has to hold together. I'm also new here so I guess we will have the same problems to get around.

    Der jüngere Bruder von Gaius Scribonius Curio grüsst euch

  • Oh, hello uncle Appius, nice to meet you! :D How are you? I'm very glad, that I have uncle and he is so willing to help his niece. ;)
    Yes, you are right, we are a family and we have to be always together. If our family will hold together and be united I belive, that we'll never have problems. So that's why I've chose province "Hispania" - to be together with you. :)

  • Zitat

    Scribonia Helena dixit:
    Oh, hello uncle Appius, nice to meet you! :D How are you? I'm very glad, that I have uncle and he is so willing to help his niece. ;)
    Yes, you are right, we are a family and we have to be always together. If our family will hold together and be united I belive, that we'll never have problems. So that's why I've chose province "Hispania" - to be together with you. :)

    As Josephus already Mentined WE ARE THERE TO HELP...What ever Gens You choose is O.K with us.
    A short time solution would be to sent Josephus the text you want to post ( [email='dichandra@home.nl'][/email] ) and he'll send You the German Text in return....or to me [email='Jajawar@hotmail.com'][/email] just an idea of course....

  • I am very glad to see that the members of our family seem to take part of our community quite quickly ;).

    And I thank Aeiella for her help :)!

    Ich bin sehr froh zu sehen, dass sich die Mitglieder unserer Familie doch recht schnell in unsere Gemeinschaft einzufügen wissen ;).

    Und ich danke Aeiella für ihre Hilfe :).


    amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

  • Thank you very much Aeiella. I'm very glad and appreciate, that you want to help me. It makes me realy very happy. So thank you one more time. :)

    Well, hello dady. Nice to see you again. I missed you sooooo much. :D Hopefully I'll always have the possibility to live together with my family, and always be with my father ;)

  • I will help you anytime, Scribonia. Just ask me. By the way where in Hispania are you going to live? Are you going to live with your father? That wouldn't be so far from where I'm living so we can keep constantly in touch.

    Ich werde dir immer helfen, Scribonia. Dazu musst du nur mich fragen. Übrigens, wo wirst du in Hispanien leben? Wirst du bei deinem Vater leben? Das würde nicht so weit sein, von wo ich lebe. So können wir regelmässig in Kontakt bleiben.

    Der jüngere Bruder von Gaius Scribonius Curio grüsst euch

  • Yes uncle, I would like to live together with my father, of course if he wants, but I think, that he'll agree. Don't you think so?
    Oh, it's nice that you live in our neighborhood, so we can always be close to each other. ;)

  • Anche di me auguri. Certamente poi vivere con me nella mia casa in Tarraco in Hispania. Ma ancora non la ho constriuita. Allora deviamo aspettare tutti un poco. Ma puoi gia adessa viagare in Hispania e rincontrare tutta gente :).

    Auch ich beglückwünsche dich. Sicher kannst du mit mir ein unserem Haus in Tarraco in Hispania leben. Aber es ist noch nicht gebaut. So müssen wir alle noch ein bisschen warten. Du kannst jedoch schon nach Hispania reisen und all die Leute treffen :).


    amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

  • Das grenzt ja schon an Urkundenfälschung ........ ;)

    Und ich wusste nicht, dass geklärt ist, dass man auch englischsprachig nach Hispania darf, also klärt mich auf. :)

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