• No doubt about it...abs. correckt sir ;)
    Stupid dutchy..... :D
    My english is far from perf. but I happen to type-mism. a lot to. X(
    But show me the man/woman who masters a forgein lang perfectly and I show you a honnest politician :D :D

  • Für die liebhaber gibt es..
    LATAINISCH in "Latainisch für Andromachea" in der provinz Hispania
    Bis jetst sint 4 lextionen getan also immer noch zeit zum einsteigen und das wäre für das kind auch gut wenn sie college und colleginnen hätte... :)

  • Zitat

    Secundus Claudius Felix dixit:
    This ain't English, my deer!

    (Please mind the intentional mistake in this sentence...)

    I am a deer in more than one way....**hihi**
    Hert(Deer) is my nickname... :)I run faster than most off the guys...
    "The dazlingly beautifull deer deludes her hunters and ran to safty2 thats me... :D
    And who are you?...nice helmet :)

  • Thanks!

    It's not of much use to me anymore, since I command the Roman fleet from the safety of the port of Tarraco. But I like the picture :). It was taken in the time when I still was a young 'Nauarchus'...


  • Zitat

    Secundus Claudius Felix dixit:

    It's not of much use to me anymore, since I command the Roman fleet from the safety of the port of Tarraco. But I like the picture :). It was taken in the time when I still was a young 'Nauarchus'...

    Hmm..Praefectus superior Classis Romana ...as Admiral than you have come a long way...
    Nauarchus is a schipscaptain ....yep..quait a career.
    (voure sig has gone fore some reason did you know that?)
    I wonder what youre face looks like?...
    I sence something Romanic in you ..either Frensh or Italic I would say.

  • I don't like the idea of posting a picture of myself here, thus spoiling my image as a noble and superior Praefectus (I lack grey hair and some cool outfit for taking a really good picture to serve that purpose) - I prefer people knowing only (and bowing before :D) my avatar. But if you want I can send you one by email.

    You seem to have a different view of romanticism as I have. But you're right: I am from Italy! :)


  • Ohh..Mistake stupid me...**bonk-bonk on the head**
    I didn't ment a Real life face picture ..since things like that are not done in RPG's...
    I ment a face Avator like mine were features are visable ...
    On this avator one sees a lot of helmet but no face ...unlike mine...
    In R.L Iam not black but half Indian (India) and half Chinese...
    I was born on Celebes isle wich you will know as Balikpapan in Indonesia.
    Aeiella tams also from Indonesia ,the isle of Sumatra.
    Indeed we look somewat allike...black hair amandel eyes smal face and nose somewat pointisch chin, do younger I do have some grey hair on the left headside.
    Aeiella is 44 and I 21...I know Aeiella's son from my studies and sideway's through Josephus my Lector.
    There is no harm I think in telling a little bit about one self don't You think?..
    A You are Italian....got it half right ...

  • Zitat

    Nebatae Aureliani dixit:
    Hab problemen mit Ö,Ü,Ä und so
    wie tut es klingen?
    Hilfe bitte?

    Kannst ober auch einfach oe ue und ae schreiben. ;)

    Pater Familias der Gens Germanica

    Academicus Milititaris Cursus Numero II

  • Zitat

    Publius Tiberius Lucidus dixit:
    Wobei genau benötigst du Hilfe? Wie es in der Aussprache klingt? (das ist etwas schwer zu vermitteln ;) )

    Josephus (Andre) sagt Ö=Österreich klingt wie EU in Eupen-Malmedy
    und Ü =Übung klingt wie (engl)Muir (ned)Muur
    und Ä =Äppfel klingt wie Ecke oder (engl)Well.
    Phoe, nicht einfag, 8o jetst komt dan wenn schreib ich Ö stat O
    und Ü stat U oder Ä stat A?
    Oe wie in (ned)Hoek und (eng)Hook
    Ue wie U und E meltet
    Ae wie E in Elvis?
    Aha seh da conections ..
    Danke de Herrn PubliusTiberius Lucidus und Traianus Germanicus Sedulus fur (das is dan für?)ihre hilfe. :)
    :verbeug: **humor**

  • Was ich mit ae ect. meinte ist, das es den selben Laut hat wie Ä nur anderster geschrieben.
    fur (das is dan für?)ihre hilfe. --- Genau! Dein fur = für
    oder es heißt z.B. auch öffnen und nicht offnen....

    Pater Familias der Gens Germanica

    Academicus Milititaris Cursus Numero II

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