Elagabalus führte in Rom den Kult Sol Invictus ein und soll dann einen Tempel auf dem Palatin gebaut haben und dieser Tempel soll wohl unser Aedes Caesarum sein. Kann mir das jemand bestätigen oder mich darüber aufklären?
Sol Invictus - Tempel
Da ist man sich wohl nicht ganz sicher:
ZitatA temple area surrounded by porticos covered the NE corner of the Palatine. In its center the remains of a large temple (ca. 65 x 40 m) have been unearthed. The area may be the site of a sanctuary erected by Livia to Augustus, later used for the cult of all emperors under the name of Aedes Caesarum. The excavated ruins probably belong to the temple which Elagabalus (A.D. 218-22) erected to the Syrian sun god, Sol Invictus Elagabalus, and which was transformed into the Temple of Iuppiter Ultor by his successor, Alexander Severus. The temple area was accessible from the Clivus Palatinus through a monumental gateway, the Pentapylum, of which the remains are to be seen in the Via di S. Bonaventura.
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