Endlich daheim....wo steckten bloss die andern....?
Curio ante Portas
*Helena heared some noise and went out from her room. She took a direction to the living room, after entering it she freezed over, cause she saw a man very similar to Curio and with low voce interrogated him:*
Father, it is you?
*Then she got closer to him...*
I can't belive to my eyes!
Oh, my dearest and beloved father, finally you came back, you are at home now. I am so happy!!! I missed you very, very much and often was thinking, that I would never see you agane. But now I see, that gods have listend my prays and now you are agane with me.
*On Helenas face appeared tears of happiness.* -
After Curio told his beloved daughter his story, he took her into his arms.
"I'm quite happy, too. But still I feel some sadness in your heart. Tell me: what is it?"
Nothing, nothing, I'm fine. I just missed you very much and I could not belive that I would have a possibility to see you agane. I thought, you went to mom
But honestly, you know father, I always was and am honest, so I wanted to tell you that your story, it means everything what happened to you, has just lacerated my heart. But it does not matter, you are back, you know that I love you very much, so everything is fine and we will be very happy agane, right?
So, now I guess you must be tired, you need to rest and first of all, have a good dinner, prepared in our casa Scribonia.
*Helena, full of happiness run to tell the servants, that her father came back and that they have to prepare a delicious dinner for him
Wie sehr wir uns doch alle freuen, dich wiederzuhaben. Natürlich gebe ich dir alle Rechte des Pater Familias wieder ab.
Oh, dear uncle Magnus, you also came to us, how nice to see you.
So, we are happy now, father came back. It means that our family, we are still together.
And how are you, since long time you havn't visited us. -
Nachdem Curio ein fabelhaftes Nachtessen hatte (auf Order seiner geliebten Tochter), lehnt er sich gemütlich zurück und schäzt sich glücklich in der Gesellschaft seiner Familie zu weilen. Viel wird nun gesprochen und erzählt. Freude herrscht in seinem Herzen.....
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