Visit to Proconsul

  • *After a serve told Helena, in Villa Flavia, that Pater was in Regia and she could visit him over there, Helena began to think about that.

    Finally she went to Regia and told to legioners that she would like to talk with Proconsul.*

    Well, now let's wait 'till someone will come. :)

  • The palast guard brought Helena into a small room and assured her that sooner or later the Legatus Augusti would find a few minutes' time to talk to her.


  • Finally (after dull hours of waiting and waiting and waiting :D) someone led Helena into another, bigger, brighter and beautifully decorated room. It was the governor's conference room, and he was sitting there.

    "Hello, young lady. What's your desire?"


  • *Well, that's true, Helena was waiting for a quite long time, but she knew, that Proconsul was busy. Then Helena said to Proconsul:*

    Salve :) I know you are very busy and I thank you, that you've found time for me.

    So, I would like to inform you, as a Pater of Gens Flavia, that, now I am the head and Mater Gens of Scribonia family. The reason is, that my father, Gaius Scribonius Curio is very ill. During this time, I reperesent my family and defend its interessts. And also, you are the Proconsul of Italia, the place where my family has its Casa, so I think I had to inform you about everything this.

    *Helena almost had finished, when a soldier enterd the room to inform, that there was a serve from Casa Scribonia with a message for Scribonia Helena. But Helena prefered, first to finish the conversation with Proconsul and after, find out what happened and why a serve came in Regia after her.*

  • "Oh, it's very kind of you to inform me personally of such important facts. I will henceforth apply to you for issues concerning your gens."


  • You'r welcome Legatus. :)

    *Helena smiled to Felix and she saw, that solder entered the room agane, and said, that the serve who comes from Casa Scribonia has very important information and can't wait. Helena asked Legatus if the serve could enter. Legatus gave permission, so the serve entered, she was very confussed, finally she said to Helena:*

    Mater, your grandma, wise Kaleandra sent me. There is something very important.

    What happend? Serve, tell me, are everyone ok or...tell me! *Said Helena*

    Well, your father...yes, your father...Well Mater your father, he is still very ill, but he is awake.

    *Helena could not believe what serve was telling her. She felt, her heart was beating faster, she was hearing strange sounds and than, everything became dark. Helena said just one word: - "Oh, gods!" and fall down*

  • Scribonia Helena hit the ground pretty hard. And it was pretty hard ground, too. :)

    "You, slave. Stay at her side. I've to continue my work now, but I'll send some guards who will be at your disposal. Tell her my best wishes when she wakes up. Fare well now!"

    Spoken those words, the LAPP disappeared into the depths of his regia.


  • *Helena woke up and she saw, that the serve was near her and was trying to help her. Then she asked what happened, but soon she said by herself:*

    Oh, gods! I remember, my father, my dearest father Curio, he is awake, but what happened with me??? I remeber I had a converasion with Legatus...and where is he now? Oh, must be, he was confused, after everything this, waht happend...what a pity.

    *Then Helena told to the serve, that she felt a bit better, but still needed someone's help, to take her at home, to see her father, Curio.*

    Now, I think, it will be better to leave a letter to Lagetus, I have been tought in my family, always to say goodbye before leaving, so personally I can't do that but, here, I'll write a few words.

  • Dear Legatus,

    I'm sorry, that I personally can't tell you goodbye. But here is the letter which I write to you.

    Thank you, that you've dedicated to me a part of your time, which you always have in a very small amount. ;) I hope we'll meet each other agane and then you'll have much more time and I will also feel myself better, then now. :)

    Helena put the letter on Legatus' table.

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