• Ein Bote brachte zwei Briefe,von denen einer an Gaius Scribonus Curio persönlich adressiert war.

    Gaius Scribonus Curio

    Salve Curio,
    ich möchte mich noch einmal herzlichst für die Gastfreundschaft, die du mir bei meiner Ankunft in Tarraco entgegengebracht hast, bedanken.
    Aus diesem Grund möchte ich dich zur Einweihung meiner Casa einladen und hoffe, dass du trotz der Reise, die das bedeuten würde vorbeikommen würdest.
    Auch wenn du es nicht schaffst zu kommen, möchte ich dir zusichern, dass du jeder Zeit hier willkommen bist, wenn es dich mal wieder nach Tarraco verschlagen sollte.

    Gaius Prudentius Commodus


    Die Gens Prudentia ist stolz darauf,
    Euch hiermit zur Einweihungsfeier der neu erbauten
    einladen zu dürfen.

    Für Speis und Trank wird gesorgt sein,
    nur die gute Laune sollten unsere Gäste mitbringen.

    Die Einweihungsfeier findet am ANTE DIEM III ID FEB DCCCLV A.U.C. (11.2.2005/102 n.Chr.),
    in der Casa Prudentia, Tarraco, Hispania statt.

    Jeder ist herzlich Willkommen und gern gesehen!

    Vale, Freunde!

    Gaius Prudentius Commodus
    Appius Prudentius Evodius
    Lucius Prudentius Maximus
    Flavius Prudentius Balbus
    Tiberius Prudentius Balbus



  • *Helena took the letter, opend it and began to read.*

    Oh, a letter from Tarraco! Commodus...yes, yes I remeber him. What a respectful words in my father's address. Unfortunantly daddy is ill and can't read this letter personally, but that's ok, I'll tell him that he've got a letter and is invited in Casa Prudentia.

    Well, now I'll have to write a letter to Commodus, I see he is not informed, that father is ill, very ill.

  • "A verry Friendly invitation He Thanks You and the Gents for the Hospitatety That was given to Him in the casa Scribonia and hopes the Long Travel will not be a burden....

    Its Short a Day to go but maybe YOU should go as Representative of the Gens....I am Thinking in the Political sence This Time...Friends are invaluable....I give You to Think....."

    Text Edit

  • Oh, yes dear I've already seen this letter and I already wrote an answer.

    I see, Commodus wasn't informed that father is ill. So I wrote everything and thanked him very much for such nice and respactful words in fathers address...

    But you think, I have to visit them insted of daddy? Well, I don't know, I have to think about that...and besides, I can't leave you, Casa and stuff. First of all I can't leave father. But form the other side, it willn't be polite to forget so about his invitation...well, we'll see.

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