Oh, she likes me!!!
I'm so pleased. I hope one day I'll also have such sweetmess like you are my darling.
Let me kiss you on your wonderful and pretty chicks.
Oh, she likes me!!!
I'm so pleased. I hope one day I'll also have such sweetmess like you are my darling.
Let me kiss you on your wonderful and pretty chicks.
ZitatOriginal von Tiberia Minervina
Hello Helena!
Sim-Off: Nice Chicks
Minervina streckte ihre Hand immer wieder nach den grünen Fähnlein aus und quietschte dazu vergnügt. Sie schienen ihr sehr zu gefallen.
Huhu, Kleines!
Na du bist aber ne Süße... Willkommen im Imperium!
Äh. Wie steht dieses kreischende Bündel nu zu mir? Großnichte oder sowas?
ZitatOriginal von Scribonia Helena
Oh, she likes me!!!
I'm so pleased.
I hope one day I'll also have such sweetmess like you are my darling.
Let me kiss you on your wonderful and pretty chicks.
lei sorridera e doppo tocca la sua mano!
Ma tu puoi parlare l'italiano?! Che brava!!! Una bebe intelligentissima!!!
You can talk in italian?! Brava! Very smart baby!!!
*Helena sorrideva e poi ha baciato la piccolina.*
*Helena was smiling and then kissd the little.*
Lei sorrideva e dopo tiene la sua mano
Denke ich zumindest
Willkommen im Leben, kleines Mädel
ZitatOriginal von Scribonia Helena
Ma tu puoi parlare l'italiano?! Che brava!!! Una bebe intelligentissima!!!
You can talk in italian?! Brava! Very smart baby!!!![]()
non purtroppo
ZitatFlavius Duccius Germanicus dixt:
Lei sorrideva e dopo tiene la sua mano
Denke ich zumindest
Si, pero io volevo baciarla.
Yes, but I wanted to kiss her.
ZitatTiberia Minervina dixt:
Not very![]()
No problem, aunty Helena will teach you.
Noch isse ja nich da, aber wenn, dann auch von mir ein herzliches Hallo!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Eltern! Viel Freude und Glück mit der Kleinen!
[Ein ziemlicher Kindersegen hier im Imperium und vor allem in der Praesina. Ich fürchte nur, dass ich nicht zu einer Erhöhung dieser Teil-Population betragen werde. Nur wenn es unbedingt sein müsste.
Wobei ich folgendes gefunden habe:
Eine Ehe galt nur als erfolgreich, wenn ihr Resultat in Form von Kindern vorlag. Ältere Junggesellen wurden nicht nur gerügt, sie hätten ihre Pflicht dem Staate gegenüber nicht erfüllt, sondern auch mit saftigen Bußgeldern deshalb belegt. Sie sollten sich gefälligst eine Frau suchen.
Diese Geldrüge werde ich mal in Ostia einführen. :D]
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal von Scribonia Helena
Si, pero io volevo baciarla.
Yes, but I wanted to kiss her.
No problem, aunty Helena will teach you.
Grazie signorina zia
WoW!!! Darling, aunty Helena is very impressed. You learn so fast!!!
You know, when you'll be a bit bigger, I promiss you, that I'll teach you this beautiful and wonderful language.
ZitatOriginal von Scribonia Helena
WoW!!! Darling, aunty Helena is very impressed. You learn so fast!!!
You know, when you'll be a bit bigger, I promiss you, that I'll teach you this beautiful and wonderful language.
riesco a malapena zia!
Fa niente bella mia, tu sei mooolto brava e poi, la tua insegnante saro io, Helena.
that's ok my dearling, you are veeery BRAVA, besids I, Helena will be your teacher.
Sete mamma! latte!
Helena, dear, baby wants to eat, she asks you for a milk.
You know it's a bit strange, she talks on my native language instead of yours. This baby is really veeeery smart.
incredibile ma vero!
voglio latte!
Si, picina, ho detto alla tua mamma. Aspetta un attimo e ti daremo da mangiare.
Yes, little, I told to your mom. Wait and we'll feed you.
Si, e veramente incredibile!!!
Yes, it's really incredeble!!!
ZitatOriginal von Scribonia Helena
Si, e veramente incredibile!!!
Yes, it's really incredeble!!!
che bella scoperta!
buona notte!
Dormi bene picina e sogni d'oro. Dai, ti do un bacione.
Sleep well tiny and sweet dreams. Here, let me kiss you.
Ma sei gia brava, anche se dicevi, che non sai bene la lingua
Buona notte cicciona
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