Oh, thank you, thank you for such nice words too...it is a great pleasure to hear them, Kaleandra was really wonderful...I miss her very much. But life is difficult isn't it?...And how are you?...Of course I must present you my sister, Helena's greetings
I'm fine and thank you for the greetings. Well, live isn't easy at all, that's right. It is a test, every new day. But there are also real good days. So, don't mind. Also noe you are mourning, there will return happiness.
He smiled a bit. -
Yes, whole our family is mourning now, but we know, that Kaleandra is happy and is now at the best place exsiting...I also don't mind of this life...I have to say I'm quite happy. I have wonderful family, father, sister...actually I got an invitation today, from Germania, it's from LAPP, Senator Sedulus...it's an invitation to theatre, I guess...maybe you know, cause I'm sure he would send thiese invitations to all of Roman Gens...I already sent this letter of invitation to my father, to Rome...
"Wenn Ihr mich nicht mehr benötigt, Herr, würde ich gerne meiner Arbeit im Haus nachgehen.".
Mit gesenktem Blick, verließ ich das Tablinum und ließ den jungen Herrn mit der bezaubernden Besucherin zurück.
Original von Libidinosa
"Wenn Ihr mich nicht mehr benötigt, Herr, würde ich gerne meiner Arbeit im Haus nachgehen.".Mit gesenktem Blick, verließ ich das Tablinum und ließ den jungen Herrn mit der bezaubernden Besucherin zurück.
Tu das, Libidinosa. Wir reden später noch einmal.
Er sah ihr einen Augenblick nachdenklich nach und wandte sich dann wieder an Scribonia.ZitatOriginal von Scribonia Cerelia
Yes, whole our family is mourning now, but we know, that Kaleandra is happy and is now at the best place exsiting...I also don't mind of this life...I have to say I'm quite happy. I have wonderful family, father, sister...actually I got an invitation today, from Germania, it's from LAPP, Senator Sedulus...it's an invitation to theatre, I guess...maybe you know, cause I'm sure he would send thiese invitations to all of Roman Gens...I already sent this letter of invitation to my father, to Rome...That's nice. Perhaps I'll find time to go too but I do not know as well. We will see.
Oh, so I was right, you also got an invitation...that's very nice from his side. Actually I'm leving to Germania this evening. I will visit Gens Duccia there...it's my first visit to Germania and I'm quite excited, I hope there are lots of nice and pretty places as we have in Hispania or Italia...have you ever been in Germania?
He smiled about her enthusiasm than he looked a bit more serious.
Yes, I've been there, but it's just a long time ago.Years ago, as his daughter has been still young and his wife still with them, they travelled around somes provinces, also Germany. The memorys were good and full of love but also painfull. What was with his wife and what with his daughter from who he didn't get an answer till now.
Than he throwed the memories away and smiled about to Cerelia.
So perhaps we will see us there again. -
You are smiling, cause I'm so excited...yes, you should because I'm always like this, when I have to meet people or got to some new places...
But, I'll be there just for 3, maybe 4 days and then go back to Rome, to my family.
*Then Cerelia looked at Balbillus, he seemd really upset...*
I would be glad to see you in Germania...Something's wrong dear Balbillus?...
Only three or four days? So you won't be there for the opening on 15th?
He smiled again, as she asked about that something was wrong.
No, don't worry. Memories. Nothing which is bad, only.... well memories.
She was a gentle and nice young woman, but he couldn't tel her his story. For this he did not know her well enough and till today even his brother only did knew a little of the whole story.
Oh, I see...well if you are fine, then I'm very glad for you...You say memories, I see, they are quite painful sometimes, aren't they...but, not about it now.
....Yes, I'm in Germania for next 3 or 4 days, then I go back to Rome and I think returne back with whole my family for the opening on 15th. So, we still don't loose our chance to meet each other there.
*Cerelia and Balbillus had very nice conversation...young lady had to leave already, so she said:*
Dear Balbillus, thank you very much for your hospitality and nice conversation, but I have to leave now. I think, but first of all I hope, that, serves have prepared everything for my departure.
I also hope, that we will meet each other in Germania on 15th.
Goodbye...thank you for everything.*Young Scribonia left Casa Plinia and went back to her Casa Scribonia.*
I do hope it too. So good bye.
He smiled and returned to work. -
Er saß in seinem Tablinum und tat das erste Mal überhaupt das, was er tat. Er betrank sich.
Der Brief von Aquilia lag auf dem Schreibtisch und einiges andere, das vorher da lag, hatte er in einem Anfall von verzweifelter Wut hinuntergefegt.
Dann hatte er nach Wein geschrien und begonnen sich zu betrinken.
Nun hatte er auch sie verloren! Die Götter schienen ihn zu hassen!
Wieder stürzte er einen Becher in einem Zug hinunter. -
Nach zwei Stunden sinnlosem Wein in sich reinschütten, vergass er all seinen Kummer und seinen Schmerz um seine Tochter und einmal mehr in den letzten Jahren um seine Frau. Oh wie sehr er sie vermisste und immer noch liebte.
Der Becher, eben noch in seiner Hand, kippte um und der noch darin befindliche Wein lief über den Tisch und tropfte langsam auf die Erde hinunter. Sein Kopf sank auf den Arm und er schlief stockbesoffen einen traum- und schmerzlosen, schweren Schlaf.
Etwas später fand ihn einer der Sklaven. -
Sie trugen ihn in sein Zimmer, wo er den Rausch ausschlafen konnte. Am nächsten Tag, mit einem Brummschädel und stark nach Wein riechend, begab er sich in die Pflege eines Bades und danach mit frischen Klamotten und nicht mehr nach Wein riechend zur Arbeit.
Die Arbeit half ihm sich abzulenken, aber kaum war er Abends wieder zu Hause, überrannten ihn die Bilder und Erinnerungen und er griff wieder zum Wein.
Von nun an verging kaum eine Nacht, in derer er nicht von den Sklaven ins Bett getragen werden musste und Echymon machte sich sehr große Sorgen um seinen Herren und beschloss einmal mit Libidinosa zu reden. Vielleicht könnte sie ihm ja mit diversen Tätigkeiten wieder zu mehr Lebensfreude verhelfen.
Er wusste, dass sein Herr dies niemals zulassen würde, wenn er es wüsste, aber so konnte das ja mit ihm auch nicht weiter gehen.
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