Beiträge von Lucullus Ambrosianus Dicus

    Lucullus Ambrosius Dicus declere.
    Translater Josephus Decimus Cartonensis : Confirmed
    Defender Senator Maximus Decimus Meridus :Confirmed.
    As to the deed :Confirmed
    As to intensionally stealing thus willingly commiting a crime :Denail.
    As to awareness of the special surcomstances surrounding the for free offered Breads and soupchickens :Denail
    Based on :Non knowledge of German (adsent von Guten tag und ja und nein)
    Based on II :The offer of free goods was unlimetly acsesable in the WISIM wich is suppost to be a Eco-forum.
    Based on III :The Offer and its specialeties offert bei the russatia was NOT POSTED in English thus I nor other people like Lady Nebatea could have knowlege of its specifeties.


    Bedtime for me have to go to school tommorow sorry hope I have done well?

    "I would like to be a Architeckt or so...
    But were could I go to study....this proffecion?
    And do You know when the Pater familias will come, and what he will do reg. me?"
    :DGues he will not eat me.....ore? ;)

    Salve , Sencundus Claudius Felix.
    I tink Andromachea made a mistake and that she answered on my first post and not the Pro Consuls... :)
    I am shore she ment no disrespeckt..
    did mis interpret youre commands....sorry.
    Wanted to say that I hope you people don't mind that I post in english.....
    Ot off

    My name is Lucullus Dicus.
    I am a Brittan wo wishes to become a Full Roman citisan ,my Latin is quit bad but then I am rather jung only 11.
    My early history can be read in "Verteidigung des havens Hispania"
    Since I am of Brittan stock I prefere to live there...Pons Aelis preferably.
    I can only post in English and do this acc to e.t agrement with Augustus...ONLY in Brittania.
    Transl will be provaidet by Josephus.
    I have not jet a Gens (familie) and I would like to become a soldier.