Beiträge von Scribonia Helena


    Original von Maximus Decimus Meridius
    I know. I need support of the Allmighty to overcome... :D

    Well, God helps to everyone, that's right, but bad guys, like you, still, need to try to get His, I'm not sure, you'll manege with that. :D ;)

    *Helena smiled to young Iunia...*

    You are right dear, I also can understand him...I see, he has to be very good father, he takes care of his daughter and is so thoughtful, that's really very important and nice. I agree with You, that's a luck he belived, I really love this wonderful child very much and would never harm her. :) ...Actually it was a suprise for me when she said my name, she called me Helena...maybe she knows, that it's her mother's name and...well, I don't know, maybe she will say Your name too. ;) Let's see...

    *Helena looked at Minrevina and said:*

    So, my little sweetnes, will you try to say Attica??? :D ;) A T T I C A

    *Ladies began laughing, Minervina was really very sweet...Helena repeated again "ATTICA"...*

    I hope, she will say. ;)

    Yes, father is at home, but he is busy now.
    Enter and wait here while someone will come after you!

    *Helena went to her father's Tablinum, knocked on the door and entered.*

    Excuse me father, I'm disturbing You, but there's a serve form Senator Hungaricus...said, that wants to talk with You...

    *Helena went out of Curio's Tablinum, she heared someone was knocking...young Scribonia went to the door and opened it. Helena saw a man holding something in his hands...*

    Hello...can I help you?


    Original von Publius Matinius Agrippa
    Wie du meinst, teuerste Helena, aber ich hoffe, ich darf dich schon bald wieder einmal in meinem Haus in Spanien entfangen. :)

    Danke liebster, herzlichen dank. :)
    Es ist mir eine große ehre dich in Casa Matinia zu besuchen. So, jetzt werde ich Euch verlassen. ;)

    Dear Maximus, I really can't see the reason You are worried...I see, You don't know me, that's true, but me and Your wife, Helena are quite good friends. Besides, Your daughter, she is very nice and I love her very much. So, I've asked a permission to Your wife to let me have a little promenade with this little sweetness. :)

    *Than Helena looked at Minervin, still having on her armes, and said:*

    Ohhh, look, your father is playing with you...isn't it wonderful? ;)

    *...After, Helena looked at Minervina, she was smilling.*

    Sweet child, look who came...your father, Maximus. ;)

    *Minervina hugged Helena and laughed, she seemed very happy to see her father...*

    Ohhhh, darling, you are so sweet and nice, where is your toy??? Want to play again? said PAPA?! That's great!!! :)

    Oh, Minervina, wonderful and sweetes child you don't sleep anymore...sweetness, you are laughing. :) ....say hello to this nice lady...


    Original von Iunia Attica
    Ja, du hast recht mit deiner Vermutung, ich bin Iunia Attica. Jetzt wo du es sagst erinnere ich mich auch wieder an dich du bist Scribonia Helena, nicht wahr? Dein Vater hat schon oft von dir gesprochen...aber uns einander vorgestellt hat er leider noch nie... Oh schau, jetzt haben wir sie doch wachgemacht....aber zum Glück weint sie nicht.

    Sie lächelte das Baby an und zwinkerte ihm zu....

    Ohhhh, what a beautiful surprise, so You are Iunia Attica...I wanted to meet You since long, long time...I've hered about You so many, nice things. :) ...You are right, I'm Tribunus Curio's older daughter, Scribonia Helena, and it's my pleasure to meet You. :)

    *During a friendly dialogue with young Iunia, Helena saw, someone was coming to her...*


    Original von Publius Tiberius Maximus
    *Bei meiner Marktkontrolle hörte ich das zufriedene Glucksen eines kleinen Kindes. Ich selbst war ja Vater eines Kindes...
    Ich ging zu den beiden Frauen hinüber und warf ein Blick auf das Baby. Es sah meiner Tochter zum verwechseln ähnlich... Nein, es war meine Tochter! Ich wusste nicht was los war... Wo war Helena, meine Frau. Ich winkte meine Liktoren herüber, die sich zu beiden Seiten aufstellten! Ich versuchte die Fassung zu bewahren*

    "Salvete! Mein Name ist Publius Tiberius Maximus. Mit wem habe ich das Vergnügen?...

    Ein hübsches Kind habt ihr da auf dem Arm. Es sieht meiner Tochter zum verwechseln ähnlich... Habt ihr dafür eine Erklärung, das ihr meine Tochter auf euren Arm trägt und ihre Mutter nicht hier ist?"

    Hello Maximus...please, calm down, there is no reason to be worried...
    I am Scribonia Helena, Tribunus Curio's daughter...this young lady is Iunia Attica and this sweetness on my arms is Your daughter, Tiberia Minervina, You are right. :)

    Dear Maximus, Your beautiful wife is a guest in our Casa Scribonia, she wanted to have a conversaiotn, quite importante, with Tribunus, so I took little Minervina with me not to disturbe them. :) ...I hope You are not angry. We really have lots of fun and Your daughter is in safety. ;)

    Oh, ich danke dir Onkel Agrippa...sicher, ich werde dich zu Vater's Tablinum begleiten, aber ich muss dich dort verlassen. Ihr habt wahrscheinlich etwas wichtiges zu besprechen. ;)

    Oh, so You know my father...then I think it becomes more clear. :)
    So, here's my question: are You that nice lady from our Factio, Factio Purpurea - my father's good friend?...I remember Your face. :) Maybe I'm mistaken...hmmm, if so, excuse me then...but I don't think so. ;)