Of course...we should do everything according to our beloved Kaleandra's will...she wanted to put it in Aedicula's Southern wall, so I think we should do so...
Beiträge von Scribonia Cerelia
*Serve asked Cerelia to wait for a moment, himself knocked on the door of Tablinum, then opend it and told to his master, that a young lady wanted to see him...*
Thank you.
*Cerelia followed the serve to Tablinum...* -
Goodafternoon...yes, you may. I would like to visit your master, Amulius Plinius Balbillus, if he is at home, of course.
*Cerelia went out from her room...had a brekfast and then entered the big, livingroom...*
Hmmm...a letter, that's nice...I hope it's from Rome, from my beloved father...yes, it has to be so, otherwise nobody would send some important letters to Hispania, everyone knows, we've moved to Rome.
*Cerelia opened it...*
Oh, a letter from Germania?! Very interessting...an invitation from LAPP Sedulus...Oh, gods...couldn't be better, anyway I'm leaving to Germania, to visit Gens Duccia...but first I have to send a letter to Rome, to tell father about this news and I'll send him this invitation too...hope he and Helena will find time and come to Germania too.
*Cerelia took the letter from Germania and went to Tablinum to write another one to her father and send it as soon as possible.*
*Cerelia came to Casa Plinia and knocked on the door...*
*...and waited until someone would open it.*
...I know darling, I know but when you love a person very much even 200 years are not enough...ah, but we can do nothing.
*The flame was going upper and upper, bringing Kaleandra up, to the Olympus...Hestia was very upset. Even if she was trying not to show that, but tears appeared on her lovely face too...*
Hestia, darling, are you fine...
...yes dearest grandma, we will never forget you. You will go now to your parents, your husband and will wait for us, untill our time will come. I miss you and your wise advices so much!
*Cerelia was looking how Kaleandra's body was burning and she couldn't stop her tears...she was standing beside Hestia, holding her hand...*
Well, darling, it seems to be the end...what a pity
I know that darling, I know...just this ceremony and whole situation...ahhh, doesn't matter, now I'm really much better.
Which office darling???...Well, I don't know, after funerals I'm thinking to write a letter to father and Helena, that I'm leaving to Germania...I'm going to visit Gens Duccia. If you would like and if you have time we can go together, I would love you to make me a company. -
*Cerelia took a sit near Hestia...*
No, darling, don't worry, I'm fine, really...just this whole atmosphere and situation...yes, that's really difficult for me and I'm a bit confused. But now I'm fine...thank you. We may continue our prayer, I guess.
Original von Sara Duccia Audacia
Thank you. Somebody who understand me. I know my english is terrible.
No problem darling...always gald to help.
...your English, well, I got everything you said, so it's not as terrible as you think. Don't exaggerate.
*Cerelia was looking at Calculus and listening to him very carefully...she was excited, Curio's letter, those words entered through her heart...Cerelia was really very upset, she couldn't stop her tears. Cerelia really loved her grandma Kaleandra very much...*
Hestia, I'm not fine. I feel weakness inside...oh, dear!
Original von Toxis
Ich weiss auch wer, nämlich ich selbst.
Ich bin 14 Jahre und 4 Monate alt. Mal sehen obs noch andere gibt...Well, actually those two person, who I know, both are 13 years old.
Here, in IR, I know 2 person, who are less then 15 years old.
But I will not tell you.Sara Duccia Audacia
So, don't worry darling, with your 15 or 16 you are already a big lady. -
*Cerelia was praying...she was praying with all her heart and already missed her grandma Kaleandra. Then she saw Hestia was looking at her, looking with very thoughtful eyes, as if she wanted to say something...*
Hestia, darling, something's wrong? You are looking at me as if you would like to tell me something very, very important...how do you feel, are you all right?...I understand, we have very difficult days, we have to do our best and show that we are strong. Besides, Calculus is with us, so we are not alone...I know, you are thinking and that's a real pity, that Helena and father can't be here...
*Cerelia was next to Hestia...she was very upset. She was thinking about that time when Kaleandra was still alive...*
Ohhhhh, what a difficult day, full of negative emotions...so, dear Calculus, my beloved cousen, you have to lead the ceremony. Pater could not come, Helena, his substitute also couldn't be here so you are the one who has all this honor and responsability...
*Cerelia looked at Hestia, then she heared Popa was paraying, so Cerelia began to pray for Kaleandra's soul...then some tears appeared on Cerelia's face...*
*Cerelia entered the house...she seemed to be tired, but there were lots of thinks to do, no time to take a rest...*
Oh, it's long time I've not been here...I missed your Casa so much...
So, now tell me Hestia, when the funerals are and where...tell me what I have to do...you see Helena and father, they couldn't arrive, so I'm here instead of them....
I know Calculus has to be here too...
So, tell me everything in details, please. -
Yes, you are right...the weather is terribel...nature is crying for grandma Kaleandra
Sim-Off: ....I'm also glad to see you my dear cousen...
*Cerelia and Hestia quickly got inside the house...*
*Cerelia arrived to Tarraco...she was worried, cause her journey was too long so, she could be late for funerals...then youn Scribonia knocked on the door...*
*Cerelia already had to leave, she had to go to Tarraco...Young lady thanked for a nice evening, said goodbye to her friends, then she said goodbye to everybody and with permission of her father left the banquet hall.