Beiträge von Scribonia Cerelia


    Sedi, I didn't noticed your post. oops!...sorry. ;)

    Oh, dear Sedulus, I really hope You are not, I just asked You not to show Yourself from the egoistic side...Yes, that's very true, I'm here with my father, ou know that pretty well. :)

    *Then Cerelia whispered to Sedulus*

    Don't worry, I think You have to be quite nice person. ;)

    Please, please Senator Hungaricus... You are always welcome to Casa Scribonia. :) ...but now I have to leave You.

    Now I would like to join my father, I would do that with great pleasure...Thank you very much for a very nice conversation...Adria, I was pleased to meet You, You are very nice, hopefully to meet You again quite soon ;) ...Sentaor Sedulus, thank You for Your kind will, You presented me to Your friends. :) ....So, Senator Hungaricus, I would say the same, I'm very pleased of our meeting, and hope to see You next time in Casa Scribonia. ;)

    *Cerelia smiled and went to her father.*

    Oh, Senator Sedulus! I think each and every person, here, deserves my attention and respect, so please don't show Yourself from egoistic side, I think it's not quite nice. ;) Besides, I accompany here my beloved father Curio. :)

    *Then Cerelia turned to Hungaricus*


    Original von Marcus Vinicius Hungaricus
    Tatsächlich? Noch eine Tochter? Sagenhaft...
    Warum mich diese Idee amüsiert? Eigentlich tut sie das Gegenteil, ich ärgere mich, daß meine besten Speculatores mir nichts von deiner Existenz erzählt haben... ich sollte wohl deren Sold heruntersetzen.

    ....So, I see dear Senator You like to have all kind of information, but unfortunantly, quite often it's just impossible. ;) ...Well, if You are so worried, why don't You visit us one day in Casa Scribonia? Whole our family is in Rome now, so You would be very well seen guest in our house. I think my father would be glad as well to see You. :) ;)

    *Cerelia smiled to young lady and said:*

    Hello Aemilia, nice too meet You. :)

    *Then she turned to Senator Hungaricus...*


    Original von Marcus Vinicius Hungaricus
    Dann schaute er zu Cerelia hin. Huha, er war überrascht...

    Sei auch du mir gegrüßt, Cerelia. Curio hat eine Tochter? Unglaublich, dieser Schelm verbirgt auch immer irgendetwas. Aber vielleicht ist es auch gut so, denn sonst hätten Curio und ich des öfteren Anlaß für Streitigkeiten gehabt, bei solch hübschen Familienmitgliedern.

    Well, good evening Senator Hungaricus, I'm glad to have a possibility to meet You, it's my pleasure :) ...But let me correct You, just a bit. So, my beloved father was not hiding me, just I was hiding by myself... *jokingly* The reason, that few people knows me is, that I was not living with my father. I used to live in another city for some time...Besides, I must surprise You again, Curio has another daughter too, she's older then me. Her name is Helena. ;) But, let me ask You: why You like this idea of hiding me? ;)


    Original von Traianus Germanicus Sedulus
    Dann sah ich zu Cerelia und sagte doch in recht lautem Tonfall.

    Das ist Hungi wie ich ihn kenne und so mögen ihn die Meisten bis auf einige Wenige... Ich schielte zu Adria hin.

    I see dear Sedulus, I see and I'm quite pleased of it. ;) You have very nice friends Senator, You must be very lucky person... and Your wonderful family members... :)


    Original von Traianus Germanicus Sedulus
    Ja ich bin auch sehr glücklich Adria in meiner Gens zu haben.
    Wollen wir eben noch zu Hungi gehen? Ich stelle ihn Dir gerne auch noch vor. Kommst Du mit Adria oder lieber nicht?

    Well yes, pretty good idea, we can go to Senator Hungaricus...ah, of course, if it is Your wish as well, dear Adria. ;)

    You have really nice father, but my father is also beloved for me and my sister. We are lucky Adria. ;), my father hide me...not really. :) Just, I used to live in another city for a while, that's why You don't know me, But I hope You used to be our guest in Casa Scribonia and You know my sister Helena. Now I live with my family, we live all together, so hope to see You as our guest in Casa Scribonia again. :)

    Actually I was born in Rome, it's my homeland and I like here very much...I thing I will stay here for some time. I love thiese places and our Casa Scribonia in Rome...ah, it's just wonderful. :)

    *Then Cerelia turned to Sedulus and whispered:*

    Dear Sedulus, Your daughter is really very nice, so thank You very much, You've presented us to each other. :)

    But let me ask You dear Adria. Do You live in Mogontiacum or in Casa which You have in Rome?


    Original von Adria Germanica
    "Eine Freude euch kennenzulernen.
    Cerelia, Tochter des Curio? Fast unglaublich, dass wir uns bisher noch nicht begegnet sind. "

    *Cerelia smiled, then looked at Adria...*

    Hello Adria, I'm pleased to meet You...You are right, unfortunantly we have never met before, that's a pity, but I've asked Your father, Senator Sedulus, to present us, so he was very kind and did this favour to me. ;)

    Thank You Senator for nice words. ;)

    Yes, I guess You are right, Rome is perfect, no other place can compare to it...even thou my garden. :D ;) ...hmmm, Germania seems to be quite exciting, I should visit it one day, I must ask my father what he thinks about trip to Germania. ;) So, I was right, Senator Hingaricus is Your friend, that's very nice...but if You don't mind would You present us? By the way, where is Your charming daughter, Adria?...

    This young, beautiful lady next to me is my beloved cousen, Scribonia Hestia, shall I present You?...but now she has a conversation with Empiror, so I'll do it later. :)

    Marry?! ME?! :D ;) No, no I guess it's a bit early...besides, I don't know...Sedulus?! Well he is a very good friend, I think he is, but, I don't know about marriage...But you and Flavius, I'm sure you'll be very happy and you'll have lots of nice children...your marriage will be, that's for sure, and I'll have lots of fun over there. :] Helena is promissing us, that she'll have really fun, we'll see, who'll be the best. 8) ;)

    Oh dearest cousen...I wish you everything best, you know that...Helena, she is so nice and she also was so worried about you....I remeber she couldn't find a place when she got, that you left Hispania, all alone...

    She is mourning, definitely, you are right...she is very sensitive and cute, but very strong and she always knows what to do and how to do...why I'm saying this again, anyway, you know that very well. ;)

    Yes, you also have to take an example from Helena and be strong, I can't wait, when your marriage day will come...oh, there will be planty of guests as well...ahhhh, how I love parties and guests and such stuff...Helena too, actually. :D ;)

    A CHILD Senator???!!! Ohhhhh, I guess You are a bit wrong. :D ;) You may call me YOUNG LADY, but not CHILD, anymore. ;) I'm still child just for my beloved father. ;) :)

    Oh, I was good! ;) Senator Hungaricus has to be Your friend as I remeber, am I right?...Yes, yes, exactly, in Hispania, nothing interessting is going on, so that's why I think to move to Rome and stay here, at least for some time. :)

    That's a pity You have to leave after this lovely banquet...I see, lots of work to do...well, POLITICS again. ;) ...but, anyway, thanks a lot for invitation, I hope Germania is not as bouring as Hispania is, or it's even more bouring??? :D ;)


    Original von Scribonia Hestia
    *The Slave Lifted Me from the Chair on to a little couche close to Helena and Cerelia...
    I Acsepted a Stone Cup of Water, for I never Used Metal for Food or anything else....
    And I head a Look arround Noding to People That Greeted Me..*

    Well, darling, you should recover as soon as possible and I'm sure soon you'll be running again...people love you, and we, whole your family, we love you very, here, at this banquet, I think one can meet the whole elite of our great Imperium, so many know how I love them, don't you...Helena loves them as, I was asking you, maybe you know, why she is not here???

    Well, I know You are LAPP of Germania, dearest Sedulus, but I was wondering why You were late. :)

    I agree, politics, it's everywhere...You see, I'm not so interessted in it, so, that's why I gave whole freedom to my beloved father to discuse some thems with his friends. ;) ...Ah, would You please tell me, that gentlman, over there, he is Senator Hungaricus, right?...well in Hispania...You see, not much of things to do...honestly it was a bit bouring, as I've told You before, I always prefere my homeland, Rome. :)

    How long are You going to saty in Rome, Senator?


    Original von Traianus Germanicus Sedulus
    Ich trat auf Cerelia zu und begrüßte sie.

    Hallo Cerelia, da bist Du ja.
    Hmm, hübsches Kleid das Du da trägst.
    Wo hast Du denn Deinen Vater gelassen?

    Oh, thank You Senator, I love compliments. ;) father...oh, well You see, he has a conversation with his old friend, my beloved uncle Agrippa. They are always busy, even at the banquet. :) were a bit late, why, have you been in Germania?

    *Cerelia saw Senator...*

    Dearest cousen, would you please excuse me for a moment...I think, I have to greet one gentlman now. ;)

    *Then Cerelia whispered to Hestia, that she was happy to see Senator and turned to Sedulus...*

    Oh, Senator Sedulus, good evening, what a nice surprise. ;) So, here, we've met each other again. :)

    *Cerelia looked at her cousen...*

    Dear Hestia, you are beautiful, I have to admit that...your atunicas is perfect, so nice and so wonderful...I can't find words to describe it. :), darling, we will greet uncle Agrippa a bit later, as you can see he and our beloved Pater are very busy...they have a really important conversation as allways. ;) ...I asked father to present myself to one very nice and very interessted for me lady, I hope he still remembers that and finally I'll reach my goal. ;)

    Darling, maybe you know...why Helena is not here? I wonder, cause I knew, that she should accompany father, but finally I had this great honore.... :) So, do you know the reason?

    Oh, Hestia...darling, what a great surprise to see you here. I'm very glad and I'm so pleased you got a possibility and came on this wonderful banquet...So, how are you darling, very happy to see that your health condition is getting better and better, everyday. :)

    As I see, more and more new guests are coming...uncle Agrippa is also here, I might go and say hello to him. ;)

    Hoops, hoops! Hungi, you seem to be a bit sadomasochist, maybe a little bit more then just a "little bit" :D ...I guess I'm right...but still, if you are so worried, you can try to make me your domina in SimOn. It might be interessting, how it will be looking like. :] 8)