• Oh, so here we are darling...this park is wonderful isn't it? :)
    I remember each and every day spent over here...the nature in Tarraco is divine. You remember how we were playing here?...our mother, she was comming here with us...I miss her so much.

    It's been for a long time, that we haven't visit this park...I see nothing has changed...hopefully, Luculus will find our letter and wil join us as well. :)

  • Yes, this park is really beautiful.

    Of course I remeber...we were playing here...yes, we were playing here with our beloved mother, I miss her too, but I'm sure she's looking at us from there...

    *Cerelia looked up, to the sky*

    ....Luculus was also playing with us, I remeber. :) And our father Curio was camming with us too...I told you, nothing has changed here and you didn't wanted to belive me. :) But it doesn't matter...come on, let's go to our favorite tree, you remember? ;)

  • Of course I remeber that tree...we were playing over there hide-and-seek. :D And I was always the winner. 8) :] Wanna play again??? ;) I'm sure I'm gonna win again...no, no I'm joking, I guess we are to old for such games....besids, here are lot's of people and I think it's not quite a good idea. ;)

    Come, let's take a walk and see if we'll find that our "famouse" tree. ;)

    *Cerelia and Helena walked through the park.*

  • ah, ah, ah...look at her "I was winning all the time" No! :P ....no, not now. You are right, everyone will think that with us something's wrong, I don't want that...fine, let's see if we'll find that our tree. ;)

    *Cerelia followed Helena and they were strolling and at the same time searching for that HUGE tree of their childhood.*

  • Oh, here it is! Cerelia, look. I think, that's it, that's our tree. ;)
    Come, let's take a sit over there, under the tree...but it's quite late, I guess we should go back to Casa, don't you think so? I don't want to make father worried about us.

    So, what are we going to do, take a sit for a while, or go back to Casa?

  • Oh, no! Helena, please, let's stay for a while. Yes, I know it's late, but anyway, please. Let's be here at least for very little time...yes, you are right, it is, it's our tree. so, come on let's sit under it...

    Why we came in this park, just to see the tree and go back home?! Oh, no!...So, we are staying, right?

  • Fine, fine, just calm down, calm down. Please!
    We shall stay, but just for a while...but the concequences of this are known to me...I'm sure after we'll go back to Casa father will be angry, that we were so late and those flowers in Tablinum will not help us. :D ;) But, anyway, we are going to stay, I agree, we are not here just to see the tree and go back. ;)

    So, come on let, sit down...

    *Helena and Cerelia went and took a sit under the tree.*

  • Oh, yes! Flowers will not help us, that's definitely. :D
    What a pity I didn't took my book, my beloved Eneide, we could read it over here. ;) ...but where is cousen Luculus??? If he would be here, we could stay without any problem. :( ...anyway, we can come here some another day too, right? ;)

    Helena, you know, that I'm in love, don't you? And I must tell you, that I am afraid a bit...what will I do, if I'll discover that he doesn't loves me???....and this book is just sweetness, reminding him. :)

  • Of course my darling, I promiss you, we;ll come here again and we'll do that very soon. :)

    Oh yesss! We all know that you are in love with that nice and interessting gentlman. ;) ...oh, my dearest, you shouldn't be afraid. Can't you see how he thinks about you...and when you were together, I was looking at him and saw his eyes were shinning when he was talking with you and looking at you. So, you have no reason to be worried....and that book, oh, yes, I know, it's the most precious you have at this moment...cousen Luculus is busy, I think, so next time we'll come to the park with him...we'll do everything and he'll be agree to visit this wonderful park with us. :) ...but, promiss, that about your love you will not be worried, it's not necessary, belive me everything will be fine. :)

  • No, Helena, I can't promisse you, that I'll not be worried about my love...I miss him so much...I always think about those days when we had a promenade together. It was just wonderful...and I'm afraid such days will never repiate. But I want to belive, that he will visit me and this visit will be quite soon, cause I can't anymore...Oh, yes his eyes were shinning, I know that. So were mine. ;) I hope he also loves me. :)

  • Ah, you, my silly girl!!! ;) Of course he loves you and loves you veeeeery much. And how dare you are to think, that such days, like your promenades were will never continue?! You are wrong, you'll have lot's of such days and even better...you should think about good things. You are young, nice and belive me everything will be just perfect. ;) My darling, gods are blessing you, you know that! :)

  • Well, if you say so, my wise sister, then it definitely must be so. Everything's gonna be fine...at least I hope so, and this hope comes from you. If something will be wrong, I'll....well, I'll think about what I'll do with you. :D ;) ...yes, I'm young and I'll have fun. I promisse that. ;)

  • Well, you'll see that everything will be perfect and you'll not have to do nothing with me. :D ;)

    Good girl! Yes, have fun and have lot's of fun. You are very lucky, same as I am. We are children of wonderful father, we have very nice family members, friends and we are Scribonia. :) So, it doesn't matters what happens, you have to be happy and remember that you are Scribonia and daughter of your wise and gentle father, Gaius Scribonius Curio. :)

  • Yes, we are really lucky. Our father is really very good person and we also have to take an example from him. We have to try to do our best to be as good as he is. :) ...yes, this situation definitely makes me happy. Not everyone has a possibility to live in such nice Casa, not everyone has such wonderful father and not everyone has a sister like you have, you should be very happy! :D No, no I'm joking, you are really good sister and I love you very much. :)

  • Welch wunderbare Briese, die sich um seinen Kopf legte, das Abendmahl war gut, besser noch als der Schmaus am Morgen nun wankte er durch die Nacht, brauchte Luft zum Atmen und Sinne zum Leben. Er stieß mit jemanden zusammen und hatte Eile sich zu entschuldigen.

  • Zitat

    Original von Scribonia Cerelia
    Yes, we are really lucky. Our father is really very good person and we also have to take an example from him. We have to try to do our best to be as good as he is. :) ...yes, this situation definitely makes me happy. Not everyone has a possibility to live in such nice Casa, not everyone has such wonderful father and not everyone has a sister like you have, you should be very happy! :D No, no I'm joking, you are really good sister and I love you very much. :)

    :) You are very lovely, yes, I'm happy, that I have such sister as you are and I'm pleased, that you also feel yourself happy, that I am your sister. I also love you very much my darling... hmm, interessting who is this man? ...but anyway, doesn't matter, it's too late and too dangerous already, but somehow we must go back to our Casa. Get up and let's go. Enough sitting here for today, otherwise, we'll have really huge problems. ;)

    *Helena and Cerelia left the park.*

  • Zitat

    Original von Medicus Germanicus Avarus
    Welch wunderbare Briese, die sich um seinen Kopf legte, das Abendmahl war gut, besser noch als der Schmaus am Morgen nun wankte er durch die Nacht, brauchte Luft zum Atmen und Sinne zum Leben. Er stieß mit jemanden zusammen und hatte Eile sich zu entschuldigen.

    Der Heimweg von der Taverne aus führt Livia durch den Stadtpark. Sie ist ein wenig gereizt durch den Abend in der Taverne. Aus unerfindlichen Gründen hat sie das Gefühl, die Zeit hätte sich ewig in die Länge gezogen. Der offensichtliche Flirt von Agrippa und Lucilla sowie das Nichtbeachten ihrer Person haben ihrer Laune den Rest gegeben.

    Als Krönung des Ganzen wird sie nun plötzlich rüde von einem Passanten angerempelt. Wütend dreht sie sich zu ihm um.
    "Pass doch auf! Was fällt dir ein, mich so anzurempeln? Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dir erlaubt zu haben, mich zu berühren. Hinfort!"

  • Livias Augen verengen sich zu schmalen Schlitzen und sie mustert den Fremden eindringlich.

    "Wer ich bin? Ich bin Tiberia Livia. Und wer bist du, dass du es dir erlaubst, mich so rüde anzufahren?"

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