Spaziergang mit der kleinen Minervina

  • *After a conversation with Helena Tiberia and Curio, young Scribonia took little Minervina and went with this little and very sweet baby to have a promenade...*

    Come sweetness, see, you are with your aunty Helena...we will have lots of fun together while your wonderful mommy and my father Curio are having very "interessting" conversation. :D ....I promisse we will play a lot and you will be very happy. ;)

  • Die kleine Minervina lag in den Armen ihrer neuen Tante Helena und strahlte sie freudig an. Die Sonne fiel auf ihr Gesicht und sie drehte sich etwas weg. Auf einmal sah sie etwas, es kroch aus dem Busch und Minervina machte große Augen. Was war das nur? Mit ihren kleinen Fingern zeigte sie darauf und versuchte ein paar Töne von sich zu geben

    Da! Da! =)

    Sich kicherte und beobachte das seltsame Fabelwesen.


  • Helena looked at little Minervina, sweet baby was very surprised...she saw something...MOUSE! 8o Helena was very scared, but she had to play a "strong lady" :D She quicklr passed that place, but still, she wanted to explane to little Minervina what was it...*

    Well, it was interessting, wasn't it? ;) It was a mouse darling, a M O U S E...a creature, which lives in fields, it's not quite nice but anyway you should know about it...but I think you liked it...oh dear! :D ;)

    Come, let's see what is here...ohhhhhh...what a nice flowers and so many people!...You see, little cuteness, so many boys and girls are running? When you'll get older you'll do the same. ;) But now, come, let's get closer to thiese wonderful flowers...

  • Minervina sah traurig dem Fabelwesen hinterher. Sie wollte umbeding bleiben und mit den kleinen Tierchen spielen. Sie fing fürchterlich an zu weinen und versuchte es noch eine weile zu sehen, bis die Doofe Tante sie zu den Doofen Blumen trug. :D

    BÄH BÄH BÄH! ;(

    Nach kurzer zeit Beruhigte sich die kleine wieder und aller ärger war vergessen. Sie beobachtet etwas ältere Kinder beim spielen. Einer hatte ein Holzschwert, ein andrer lief vor ihn weg und schrie "Fang mich doch - fang mich doch". Minervina war ganz begeistert davon, auch wenn sie selbst nicht mitspielen durfte.

  • Oh, darling, don't cry....don't cry my sweetness...aunty Helena is with you and we should have fun...

    SH-SH-SH-SH ...let me kiss you on your pretty, little hands...

    Oh, you like how children are playing...that's nice, it's funny isn't it? ;) Look, darling, ther's a little girl, she is smilling to you, I guess she wants to play with you...

    *A little girl came and gave a toy to Minervina...then little baby saw a kite...she was so surprised.*

    You see, this girl is so like a kite! That's great! :) Sweetheart, you are very nice and so smart girl, you can notice everything...the kite is nice, isn't it? ;)

    *Minervina was looking in the sky, watching how kite was flying and flying, from one side to another...*

  • Ganz gespannt schaute Minervina nach oben und beobachtete den Drachen der da vor sich hin flog. Einmal ging er höher, dann wieder etwas tiefer. Nach rechts und links. Die kleine hatte schon Schwierigkeiten alles ganz genau im Augen zu behalten. Sie patschte ihre kleinen Hände zusammen und sah hinauf zu Tante Helena. =)

  • Oh, my sweetheart, you can't imagine how I'm glad that you like to be with me...You love aunty Helena, don't you. :) I love you very much too...

    I'm very glad your mom came to our Casa with you, so now we can have fun together...let me think where else can I take you...ohhh, I got an idea, we will go to a stream...I'm sure you'll like it. There you will be able to see lots of fish cause water is very limpid...besides, sometimes they are jumping out of it, so it will be funny for you. ;)

  • Schon vom weiten hörte Minervina das Plätschern des kleinen Baches. Das ist wahrlich ein herlicher Tag. Die Vögel singen, die Sonne strahlt und alles war so friedlich. Kleine Fische tummelten sich im Bach und bewegten sich geschmeidig durch das Wasser. Eine leichte warme Briese weht über die Haut von Helena und Minervina, das Gras biegt sich hin und her.

    Dada... Hel.... Helen... Helena...da da..... :D

  • You are so cute my like it...oh, dear! Your wonderful are smilling...SWEETNESS. :)

    *Minervina was so happy, so happy that she began to clap her little hands...then Helena heard...*

    Minervina, little sweet child, what you've said??? Ahhhhhh, dear, you said my name...I'm so happy my darling. I can't belive that. :)

    *Helena went closer to the stream and put her hand in the water, then from Helenas wet hand few drops fell on Minervina's little face...child was so exited and happy!*

    Now let's sit here, on the grass, right here, near the stream... :)
    So, say again H E L E N A repeat: H E L E N A ;) ..... now let's try to say M A M M A. :D

  • Sim-Off:


    Now let's sit here, on the grass, right here, near the stream... :)
    So, say again H E L E N A repeat: H E L E N A ;) ..... now let's try to say M A M M A. :D

    Ich warne dich :D Ist nicht böse gemeint, aber wehe :D :D :D Entfremde mir nciht mein Kind! Die große Mama Helena sieht alles :D Bist einfach ohne meine Erlaubnis mit meinem Kind abgehauen, das gibt Ärger :D

  • Das kleine Bündel lacht herzensfroh als Tante Helena ein paar Kühle Tropfen auf das Gesicht von ihr fallen lässt. Mit den kleinen Händen versucht sie sich das Wasser weg zu wischen. Sie schaut auf Helena die auf den Bach blickt. Obwohl Tante Helena sie mit beiden Händen fest hält, fallen immer wieder kleine Tropfen auf ihr Gesicht. Sie späht zum Himmel und sieht das die Wolken immer Dunkler werden. Was war das? Die kleine bekam angst und kuschelte sich tiefer zwischen die arme von Helena. Fast im gleiche Augenblick hörte man nur noch ein lautes Donnern und immer mehr Tropfen fielen zu Boden. Minervina gefiel das überhaupt nicht und sie machte ein Trauriges Gesicht. Alles war so Nass und ungemütlich.


  • *Yes, suddenly it began raining...Minervina seemd to be upset...Helena too...*

    Darling, this are rain drops...I know, it was a wonderful weather, but what happend...I hope sun will be shining again very, very soon...but before, not to become too wet, let's sit under the tree, cause I don't want to take you at home and get more wet till we'll reach Casa Scribonia. :)

    *After a while Helena saw the sun began shining again...*

    Ohhhhhhh, that's a miracle...rain stoped and the sun is have to be happy now, you are lucky my darling, we can stay for a while again over here and then we'll go back to Casa....but tell me, whay don't you want to repeat again my name: H E L E N A...say HELENA :) And then let's try to say MAMMA :)

  • Sim-Off:

    Go back to Casa Scribonia and have a nice conversation with Tribunus Curio! :D ;)
    Instead of thanking me, that I left room and took your lovely daughter with me, to give you a possibility to have a dialogue you are jealouse and envy, that I have some fun with Minervina...that's not fair my darling, absolutely not fair! :D ;)

  • Nach einem kurzen Sparziergang kamen sie im Park an.
    Ah, hier ist es doch gleich viel besser weniger Menschen und Lärm. Sollen wir uns hier irgendwo ins Gras setzen, dann muss die kleine Minervina auch nicht immer die ganze Zeit auf dem Arm halten, auf Dauer wird das sicher anstrengend und sie kann ein wenig mit ihrem Spielzeug spielen...."

  • You are right, this park is so beutiful and one can really rest and have a nice conversation, let's take a sit.
    Are You sure, we can allow little Minervina to sit on the grass?...well, it's a quite good idea, but I don't know, I think it will be better if we'll place her on my tunica, so she will be next to us and will play with her toy. ;)

    *Ladies took a sit, little Minervina too...*

    This market...all the time full of people, and scandals are also quite often...You live in Tarraco, don't You?

  • Ja du hast recht, sie ist in dem Alter in dem kleine Kinder alles in den Mund stecken, da ist sie auf deiner Tunika besser aufgehoben.

    Iunia hatte sich neben Helena gesetzt.

    Mhh man sollte vielleicht besser sagen, ich habe in Tarraco gelebt. Auf Grund meiner neuen Aufgabe am Kaiserhof verbringe ich nun die meiste Zeit in Rom. Aber wenn ich ehrlich bin, fehlen mir das Umfeld und die Menschen in Tarraco. Und wie geht es dir du hast ja auch lange Zeit in Tarraco gelebt.

  • Oh, I see. So, You live in Rome now. I like Rome very much, I prefere to live here, then in Tarraco. But, honestly, I always miss Hispania and it's people. ;) ...My sister was born in Rome and we used to live here for a quite long time. We still have Casa Scribonia in Tarraco and we have it in Rome too, so I hope You will visit us, I would be very glad to see You as our guest in Casa Scribonia. :)

    *Then Helena looked at Minervina...then said:*

    This little lady is quite often guest in Casa Scribonia, especially in Tarraco, but she visited her aunty Helena in Rome too and aunty Helena is very happy, right my sweetest Minervina??? :) ;)

    *Minervina laughed and claped her hands.*

  • *It was a really wonderful weather, Cerelia and Venusia went to the park. Cerelia knew where Helena would be stitting with little Minervina, of course at her beloved place, near the big tree surrounded by beautiful roses.*

    So, Venusia, do you like these places?...Oh, by the way from the right side you can see Merkati Traiani, actually it's named after your LAPP Traianus Germanicus Sedulus. :D That's of course jokingly, I've made this joke with Sedulus, we had really lots of fun, but seriously, Merkati Traiani, it's very nice over there and maybe we will go there too, not maybe but for sure. :)

    *Ledies strolled and Cerelia noticed two ladies, sitting under the tree, one of them was holding a baby...*

    Ohhhh, here they are! But who's that another nice lady I don't know...hmm, let's go and find out.

    Helenaaaaaa!!! :) Hello my darling...I missed you so much. Oh, this lovely and cute sweetness is with you, that's nice.

    *Cerelia kissed her sister, then she played for a moment with little Minervina and then said:*

    Let me present you Venusia Duccia Britannia, she is our beloved Flavius' cousen. Venusia is visiting Rome and is our guest.
    Helena darling, would you present us this beautiful young lady? :)

    *...Looking first at Helena and then at Attica.*

  • *Helena was talking with young Iunia and playing with little Minervina when she saw someone ws coming closer to her...*

    Oh, my beloved sister is in Rome already, what a nice surprise! Dear Attica, now you have a possibility to meet my younger sister Cerelia too. :)

    Cerelia, my darling, you've made a nice surprise to us...I'm so glad to see you.

    *Then she looked at Venusia...*

    Hello Venusia, welcome to the Rome. I'm pleased you are our guest and hope you will have fun and spend nice time in our Casa Scribonia and generally in Rome :) ...of course I'll present you. This young lady is our father's very good friend, her name is Attica, from Gens Iunia... Cerelia I'm sure you've heard about her ;) ...oh, yes, and this sweetness is Minervina, you are right. :)

  • Sie schaute dann zu den beiden Frauen die dort saßen.

    Guten Tag, ich freue mich sehr euch kennen zu lernen.

    *zu Cerelia*

    Ich mag diesen Platz wirklich gern.

    *zu Helena*

    Danke für diesen Willkommensgruß. Es wird mir bestimmt hier gefallen und ich werden auch sicher Spaß hier haben.

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