So they went to the Tempelbezirk. This was the first visit for Venusia here.
So, here we are. Here you can see the Marstempel.
So they went to the Tempelbezirk. This was the first visit for Venusia here.
So, here we are. Here you can see the Marstempel.
*Ladies cbegan their promenade and reached a beautiful temple...*
Ohhh, it's really very nice! I like it so much...we also have temples in Rome and Tarraco...they are also very beautiful, but this one so wonderful! ...Are you coming here often? I remember, when Kaleandra, my grandma was alive, she was taking us very often to the temple to worship gods...I miss her very much...but not about this...
So, this is a Mars temple...This is really very nice place.
Tell me Venusia what are you doing in your free and my sister actually spend it in parks or mostly in our beautiful garden...our garden is one of the most beautiful in whole Rome...everyone says that and my sister, Helena is proud, cause she is doing almost whole stuff there. you have some gardens or parks here?
We have some parcs here an you know our garden. In my freetime I walk through the garden or read a book. And it's my first time that i visit this temple.
*Cerelia laughed...*
Oh, so this places is also unknown to you ...hmm, it means you don't know much of things here...then we can both be guides to each other
...ahhh, where is that gentleman who showed me whole Rome, he would help us. I'm sure he has been here for many, many times
I hope, after seeing whole temple we can take a walk in the park, if you don't mind of course...and see some other, nice and interessting places too.
Maybe your guide for Rome would be often her. She smiled.
I think we can find this gentleman in Regia Legati Augusti pro Praetore. But I don't know if he has time for such a sightseeing tour.
We can go to this Parc after we have see the whole temple.
*Cerelia laughed again...she had a very nice day and was so joyfull!*
In Regia?! No, thank you...I don't like places where militar and political life is too active, besides you are right, he might be very busy...but how can he be in Regia when you told me yesterday that he is not in Mogontiacum?!...hmmm, interessting, I think that's impossible...doesn't matter.
I really would like to see this tample first of all and then go to the park...I would love to! But I think first what I can do, and it will be very nice from my side is, to pray for my beloved grandma Kaleandra in this beautiful temple...
*Cerelia prayed for Kaleandra, and in a moment some tears appeard on her face, but she quickly remembered Kaleandra's words...Young Scribonia stoped crying and after a moment she became again full of joy and happy, cause she knew, that her grandma was up-there watching her...*
You like this place darling?...I'm sure you do.
In the morning, I was at the office and saw him there. He was back from his journey.
She looked to Cerelia as she prayed and be quiet.
I like this place and now we want to visit the park? Or want you to stay here for a few moments?
Oh, Senator Sedulus is here, hmmm, that's nice. ...does he knows that I'm here?...Oh, I don't know...we may go to the park, but also saty for a few minutes here, if you want of course.
So, what shall we do, go or stay???
Tomorrow I told him about your visit. Let stay us for a few moments and than we will walk to the parc, okay?
Oh, so he knows...that's nice from your side, that you told him. ...of course darling, we may stay here, I say, that I like this place very much, so I have no problem...but which pleace is beloved place for you??? see, I thought, Mogontiacum was not such nice, I didn't expacted to see such a beauty here...I'm lovely surprised.
My beloved place is the garden in our Casa. Mogontiacum is an really nice place, I think.
So they stayed there for a few minutes and than Venusia went to this parc.
I must agree with you, Mogontiacum is one of the nice cities of our great Empire...Oh, so garden is your beloved place too, I'm pleased to hear this...
So, shall we go to the park? I think you also would like to...
*Ladies left the temple and went to the park...Cerelia was sure, that she would love it too...*
Er kam auch am Tempelbezirk entlang und musste einmal mehr den Kopf schütteln. Wieso mussten die Römer ihre Götter in Stein sperren? Man war ihnen unter freiem Himmel doch so viel näher.
Er würde es wohl nie verstehen. Dennoch schaute er sich den Bezirk eine Weile an, konnte aber weder den Gebäuden noch den Göttern wirklich was abgewinnen. Ihm waren seine germanischen bedeutend lieber.
Nach einer Weile nachdenklichem Schweigen begab er sich wieder in Richtung Stadtmitte und von da aus nach Hause zur Casa Duccia. Dieser Bezirk würde wohl zukünftig von ihm verschont bleiben. Lieber ritt er zu einem Hain um mit seinen Göttern zu reden.
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