Hertzlichen Glückwünsch zum Geburtstag.
Beiträge von Agricola Rhenusia Gratiana
Original von Duccia Gratiana
Beantrage hiermit Off die erlaubnis um den Officium Postas eröffnen zu dürfen
Betriebs Führerin wirt ANAEA KASSANDRA Cives.Betriebsform : Dienstverleiend.
Betriebs Ziel : Beföhrderüng der Post Zwischen Italia und Hispania und umgekehrt.
Diesses Officium wirt somit der Besitz von Anaea Kassandra .Die Socitas ist a priori nutzer des Betriebes nicht besitzer...
Die sache hatt sich erübricht
Auf Geheis des Soror Superior sieht die Socitas ab von den Postal Betrieb.
Möge ein Ander Glüklig damit sein.
Soror Duccia Gratiana Scribba Soror Superior. -
Die sache hatt sich erübricht
Auf Geheis des Soror Superior sieht die Socitas ab von den Postal Betrieb.
Soror Duccia Gratiana Scribba Soror Superior. -
:)" I Think They won't Agree on That....at leat the Chance That They will is not verry great....
What happend Then?....an Outing of the C.D? or What?." -
"It would indeed not be My first choise...and than in What Rank ?
I mean it would be idiotic to be a Soror Superior of a Cult and bear the Rank of noboddy "Dicipulus"
With the Risk of some Other Higer Ranked Priest brought in from the C.D That could do Harm ." -
You have asked for a Account for the Socitas...
Who will have acses to This...and Who Controlles it?.
I Suppose...on My Name as I am the New Soror Superior, Yours as Mitra Socitas , Scribonius Skjed and Gnaieus Agricolus Tarquinius...
Would be My Choise..." -
And so We Gracioucly gave Away a good source of inkomme..
I do understand it but I have My Thoughts.. -
"Well There will alway's be those Who while Throw Stones in the Way...
And Administrative Mills do Mill Slowly You Know...however ..
If You would step Down ,wich no Doubt You will.......Then at LEAST stay as Head of the Sacerdotal Unit.
That is at least until an Able Priest/Priestes can be found to fill Youre Shoe's....That let alone won't be Easy .."
I Took a Bite and a Sib from the Wine ...a verry good Decima a top of That.
And a Nice Fish to Swim in it.....don't let anyone complain about Scribonia Hospitalety..
"Let's make This official as Paper Waers Longer..". -
Ein würdiger Kandidat und sicher unser wittmüng und andacht wärt. -
"It's indeed a bit Messy in the C.D wich happends with Big and in Flexible Administrations.
But I Think in General That There is more a Case off negeleckt Here Rather Than Ill Will Thow I Agree on the Argument That Favouritisme is There as WellYou never Spoke of it but I will, the Venus Cult....
You See Deare Nice You have alway's been too........Sweet and Prepared to Wait and Reconcider and Compromise..
Here You don't GET verry far with That.
Now that You have Showed Sign's of Anger and willingness to Comitment Things Seem to Start moving..." -
"So You Heard My replay at Youre Letter at the Rostra..."
Double post *---*
I Took The plate and Kissed Her Hand.
"With This Food I Acsepte They Hospitalety.."
It was temengly HOT...i had to put it on the Little Table again.
"So mush for That for a little whille, almost burned My Fingers.."
I enjoyed Helios's Rayes Warming Me up a Little.. -
:D"Try Sending Them the Impy's Palace They Should Know Where There Armies are Don 't They.. :)"
"As for Sextus ..He's doing Fine....well You Know He is a little Rascal and will remain such until His Day's end.
But I Like Him Well...
As to Flavius , I Know as mush as You ...He came off rather well from the War and Now They are holding a Victory Parade in Rome....Big,Big Weapen Show off You Know How Man are... :)" -
I Took some Slices and started Eating ...after the First I Looekde at Her...
"Good Bread You don't want to Know What we got on the Ship...We called it Balista amo.. :)" -
It was Cool and Fresch in Her Spacio and for all Light becourse She had made the Windowes larger.
I sat un formely on Her Bed..
"Well, well doing Bether I See This Medicus Annaeus Tiberius Knows His Buisness ...
I am Glad of That ,a!......Food ..You Mind if I ?.. :)" -
Geistiges alter 30
Dan kann ich ja 10 Jahren Faullenzen. -
Ich klopfte auf der Türe...
Enschede oder Yad Mordichai