
  • Ohhhh, the story was really very funny and exciting. ^^ You see, if I will have problems to show you the best and most beautiful places in Rome, I think we shouldn't be worried, I can call Senator Sedulus and he will help me for sure. :D ;) ....everything this of course jokingly...I really would like to show you nice places in the wonderful city of Rome. :) I'm sure I'll manage with it. ;)

    Well, the story...I'll tell you in brief. So, when I came to Rome I wanted to have a trip. My father was very busy and my sister Helena, well she was also quite busy, helping my father and doing whole Casa stuff. So, poor me, I went to see beautiful places of Rome with ugly serve Malachias, who left me all alone and escaped...terrible! :D I didn't knew what I had to do...Fine, I went to see some places by myself, I still remembered some of them. Finally I lost my way, and what could I do...after a while, I saw a very handsome gentlman coming to me. He was interessted who was I and why I was all alone in this big city and at such a late time...so I told him the whole story. He gently offered me to become my guide. Of course I agreed immidiatly, we had a nice evening, he really showed me everything and finally my father came, cause he was very worried, it was too late and I was not at home, so father took me back at home. But then I had another trip to Rome, it was the most exciting one. ^^ :)

  • It's really a funny story. Would you like to drink or eat something? I'am really a thoughtless hostess.
    She smiled again.

  • Oh, thank you...don't even think that you are thoughtless hostess. I think you, all of you are wonderful and I'm very excited with your hospitality...Don't worry darling, I'm not hungry, really...just after, I would like to ask you to tell your serves to prepare a room for me and put my things there. ;)
    Yes, the story was really funny...I wonder if Senotor is in Germania now...Maybe you know about him? ;)

  • We have a questroon. There you can deposit your baggage. When you want to drinkt something like our Met or want to eat a little bit than tell me please. And I don't really know much about your Senator. I'm sorry.

  • Oh, that's nice...so I think serves will manage with it...no, not really, I don't know why, but I'm really not hungry, nor tired :) ...Oh, that's a pity you don't know if Senator is here...doesn't matter. ;)
    Actually I would like to see some nice pleases in Mogontiacum and in nearest little cities too, will you show them to me?...of course if it is possible. ;)

  • I know that the Senator is not here. He visit the Classis in Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium for a few Days.I have to bye some thinks for our journey. You want to come with us? Sara, Hergen and I, we want to go to the marketplace an look there for needfull things.

  • Of course! Senator told me, that he has lots of things to do and has to visit different places in Germania, yes, now I remember... ;)

    *Cerelia smiled...then she with excited looking looked at Venusia and said:*

    Ohhh, darling, I would love to come with you at market place...it will be great I think. :) ...So, when are we going? ;)

  • We want to start our shopping tour tomorrow in the morning. It seems to be the best time for bying things.

  • Oh yes, I think you are right. Shopping from the early morning is much more successful and interessting. ^^ ;) So, we are going for some shopping tomorrow, that's great! :)

    *Cerelia felt, that she was a bit tired...she excused and asked to show her, her room. Then young lay said "good night" to everybody and left...*

  • *Helena followed the serve and enter Casa Duccia...*

    Oh, what a nice house...beutiful! :)
    Hello dear Venusia, nice to see you again, but now in Mogontiacum, at your Casa. :) ...Valentin, oh, it's been for a long time we haven't seen each other...I don't see you in Factio too, I think we are missing up each other, that's a pity, but I'm really very glad to see you now. :)

    *Then Helena saw her sister and she remembered, that she had a letter from Adria...*

    Cerelia, my darling, I'm very glad to see you too and happy you've arrived to Mogontiacum successfully. But now, I would like to ask you for your help...I got a letter from Adria Germanica, you know her, don't you. So, this letter is for Senator Sedulus, so please, be kind and take it to him, as soon as possible...

    *Cerelia was glad to do that, and said that she would bring the letter to Sedulus right now. ;) ...Cerelia took a letter from her sister and went to Regia.*

    So, I think Cerelia will be very happy to do this favore now. ;) ....How are you all? I must admit you have a wonderful Casa, very nice...just beautiful! :)

  • Sie betrat das Kaminzimmer und sah dort auch Helena. Freundlich grüßte sie sie und bot beiden einen Platz an.

  • So, my dear Venusia, dearest memebers of Casa Germanica, thank you very much for your hospitality...we, me and my sister really had a nice time. Your city is beautiful and I will try to visit you again. Of course regarding to see you in Rome too.

    Our things are packed and we are ready to go back to Rome, so thank you once again and take care all of you. My special greetings to Flavius, that's a pity I couldn't meet him here...

    *Helena and Cerelia said goodbye to everyone and left Casa Duccia...*

  • Sie saß bereits im Kaminzimmer auf dem Fußboden auf einem Fell. Der Boden, das war ihr Lieblingsplatz.

    Setz dich doch auch. Wo du möchtest.

  • Hier finde ich es am gemütlichsten. Ich würde dir gern morgen Mogontiacum zeigen. Das würde ich dann gern machen nachdem ich in der Regia vorbeigeschaut habe. Dann können wir auch zum Theater gehen.

  • Gut, dann machen wir das.

    Sie schaute Desideria an und sie tat ihr wieder leid. Irgendwie hatte sie das Gefühl, dass Desideria ihr auf so ziemlich alles mit "gerne" geantwortet hätte. Innerlich atmete sie tief durch und überlegte, wie sie die Zeit bis Valentin wieder zurückkehrte am besten mit ihr verbringen könnte um ihr auch in und wieder etwas Abwechslung zu verschaffen.

    Wollen wir mal Marga aufsuchen und shcuaen was sie in der Küche Leckeres bereitet hat? So wie ich Hergen kenne, würd er dort schon bescheid gegeben haben.

  • Hergen

    Er öffnete die Tür.

    Venusia, hier möchte dich jemand sprechen.

    Er ließ dann Lando eintreten und schloß die Tür.

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