VEEL GELUKWENSEN ZUSJE....nou?...ja Ic bin ja 1.75 und du erst 1.71!
Beiträge von Scribonia Kaleandra
:DObwohl Mause Todt in IR lege ich mich mahl quietsch vergnügt neben mein Schwester im Sandt....mahl sehen was sich heute tut...
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeertzlichen Glückwünsch dem Imperator...
Auch in Namen von Scribonia Hestia
:DNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......leichen Singen nicht (so schön) -
I Took a Deep breath and Let the air escape from my Lungs...
"Good bey lovly Flowers, Birds and People....."
*My Spirit left My Body and I reached for My Fathers waiting Hand...I was 16 or 17 again.....My Eyes Open My Hair Braun and Long...
I Looked at My Body that Had slidded to the side a Little...
"Thank You.....Thank You verry mush....."
*Then the World seemed to Crack Open and I could See the Path That Led up to Olympus...
"Welcomme Home....Daughter..." -
"I had an excellent Master in This respeckt...What was It You Sayed When Zeus strück You with His Lightning?.....
A Yes!......."...Heeeee watch it! These ar New Cloath!....and not Heat Proof!"....That was the Apple didn't drop far from the tree..." -
"Diales Omnipotentus superbus......
I Pray You to bless the House of Scribomnia....and its Pater Curio
I Pray You to stand Garde over My Little Girl Hestia in Her desperat Hours to come.....
I Pray You for my Grand daughter.....Kassandra
I Pray You to stand Garde over Little Helena and Celena This Girls need You so mush
I Pray for Wisedom and Inside for Our Imperator
The Senat needs no Prayer......They cant be helped annyway! :D"
*I Heard Kassandra Laugh with His Laugh.....robust and Wohle Heardly..*
"Now don't You Blaspheme Kaleandra!!:P"
*I went on with My Prayer*
I Pray You for ALL Those in Need, the Sick the Poor and the wanting...
I Pray .......Yes even for Those Two Rebeliouce Brads....Selnya and Antiope
I Pray To You Gods don't get Borred with Humanity even if That won't be easy..." -
*I smiled...*
"Yes....They are....even mor so Then Human beiings..
Allow Me a Prayer." -
*I Took back the Sleeves a Little and adjusted the Marridge Head Scarf*
"Yes it Remembers Me of the Old Day's ..I loved to Travel and often Road 30 to 40 Roman Miles a Day .to viset even the Remotest Asculapus Soror's or Fraters in both Provinces...I Loved Especialy the South of Gaul and the Windy Coasts...
Yes I Loved every Day of it."
*I Listened to Kassandra's replay Then There was a Moment of Silence..
As She Spoke Again Her Voice Had Changed .......into One so Familair to Me...*
"Father.......its You"
*I sayed..not That I was verry surpraised* -
*I Knew....somewhere I had Known This...but I was dissapointed becourse of the Promise That I should be arround to see the Aedicula and Hestia's Marriage..I would have Loved it to see her as Bride a True Virgin Bride too...*
"We must be Strong Kassandra Strong and worthy...pleace...Plant My Staf in the Earth as Crafty as You can...Hestia will come and Claim it , You will take care of Caius and Gaia won't You deer Grand Daughter."*I Huged her and patted Her on the Shoulder.*
"I wanted to tell You before the Marriage You are as good as I a true Scribonian.sooo Now You are now longer My Maiden ....Would You help Me dress......?" -
Kassandra came to Me in the Garden Where I sat enjoying the Smell of Roses as I loved to do, the Scribonia Garden was Famouce for That.
She Sat on the Bank Next to Me and layed Her hand on mine as She often did if She was Distressed or Worried...
"Hush hush Little Girl, it will be alright Hestia Knowes What She is doing...?" -
edit ...fehl post crosswire ..
And something was in the letter...
A Seal Ring.......used for signing Tablets or Letters... -
Ich schaute die vohrausgang an und lies mich alles erklähren.
Kassandra schrieb alles auf für Hestia.. -
Ein Junger Man mitt ein Weisses Pferd und gekleidet in Blauer Mantel und Blau Weisser Kleidüng übergab den Tür boten ein Brief ...
"Habt die gute dies direckt den Lady Helena Scribonia zu übergeben...
möge die Göttern dich Segnen..."
Befor der Tür boten was sagen könnte Galoppierte der Man schon wieder weg.
Salve amicia GentianomesIch bin sicher, dank der Gute sorgen der Sklaven in Rom angekommen.
Ich habe ein Tag in Ostia geruht und geschlafen vor wir weiter nach Rom reisten.
Thanks to the verry good care of the Slaves I have arrived Safly in Rom.
I took a Resting Day direcktly after arriving in Ostia before traveling on to Rom...
Der Stuhl von Skjeld ist ein wünder und sehr confortabel.
Dan sint wir bei Pappa angekommen und auch da habe ich meine Ruhe gut in acht genommen.
Skjeld Chair is a true Comforting and Relexing ..
After We arrived at Pappa's House I took an other Day of rest so I have been verry carefull I know You must have been worried but I do take verry good care..
Er hatt mich lieb und vorsichtig seint aufgenommen also seih unbesorgt geht mir gut.
Ich werde sehen was ich in sache Selnya Antiope tun kann, ich brauche beidde da ich noch sehr lange an den stuhl gebunden bin.
He took Me verry Gentle and Carefully in to the House so don't worry to mush I am (will be) O.K...
I will Then see What cane be done in the Case of Selniya and Antiope....I will need Them for I will be in This Chair for a long Time to come...not for ever I am glad to Say...
I hope You are well and I will do What I can to get Them away from Vinicia
"Prisson" I wonder if all have gone Mad latly...
How can one deliver someone to a brute like THAT.Grüß alle von mir...
Greetings Sweet Helena
Hestia -
Kassandra was reading Me a Letter as I heard Helena and Called..
"I am Here between the Asper Tree's.."
As She came Kassandra handed her the Short Letter...
Salve amicia GentianomesIch bin sicher, dank der Gute sorgen der Sklaven in Rom angekommen.
Ich habe ein Tag in Ostia geruht und geschlafen vor wir weiter nach Rom reisten.Der Stuhl von Skjeld ist ein wünder und sehr confortabel.
Dan sint wir bei Pappa angekommen und auch da habe ich meine Ruhe gut in acht genommen.
Er hatt mich lieb und vorsichtig seint aufgenommen also seih unbesorgt geht mir gut.
Ich werde sehen was ich in sache Selnya Antiope tun kann, ich brauche beidde da ich noch sehr lange an den stuhl gebunden bin.Grüß alle von mir...
Hestia -
Hmmm ein eigner Gens...
mein verlobte ertranck.
Verlopter /Heirats anwärther
Dansk: Verloopte, (umgangs sprache)
Holl: Verloofde ,(Umgangssprache) -
(sorry e mail fach zu gemuhlt....)
Vertrag von Münster 1648 plus verh. über Stadthalter Willem II -
I was making a potion off Mint with Nanna Roots for Curio's Breathing Problems as I heard a familiar voice at the Door.
And Then Helena's so I stayed Where I was , withoud Sorror I would also trip over somthing since They Changed the Interrior again.
Not easy for a Blind one...* -
Dan halte ich euch noch es biss gesellschaft.